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No one minding the store?

August 24 2006 at 6:01 AM
Mark Dullea  

Hi Rick
I've sent 2 e-mails your way in the past few days, trying to order the August Special (with a minor variation) and some other stuff. So far I haven't received thhe usual prompt e-mail response. Just wondering. I was hoping to receive the package not too late into next week.


Rick Gelinas

E-mail woes

August 24 2006, 6:49 AM 

Hi Mark,

Sorry you’ve been having a problem reaching us via e-mail lately. Yes, we are "minding the store".

We’ve had some significant problems with our e-mail server ever since our website went down a few weeks back. Our hosting company, GoBatty, pulled the plug because our website’s database was too active – I think they’re crazy. At any rate, we promptly moved our website to a new server. End of problem? Hardly! We still experienced a total website failure from our new hosting company about 10 days ago. And during the entire transition we’ve been losing a large number of e-mails.

Long story short we have just finished the move to yet another hosting company and our site just went live with them yesterday afternoon. These new folks seem to be AWESOME so far. So I’m really hoping all of our website problems are behind us. Again I apologize for the problem you’ve experienced.

Of course you can always reach us by phone. 1-800-330-1888 is our number. Our staff is in the office from 10AM–6PM E.S.T. Monday through Friday, and it rolls over to a well paid order processing center after hours or when our incoming lines are busy. So the phone is still a great way to reach us anytime.

I think we have the e-mail issues resolved now. Let’s hope! The change to a new server went into affect yesterday so I’m hoping this puts an end to a few weeks of major FRUSTRATION. Hopefully you shouldn’t have anymore troubles reaching me via e-mail at

Thanks for being patient with us through all of this. It’s been crazy.

Rick Gelinas

Mark Dullea

Re: E-mail woes

August 24 2006, 6:59 PM 

I've been e-mailing, rather than phoning, since I was afraid that a fulfillment person might not pay enough attention to my stating my need to get 10" pads with my August Special, not the standard smaller pads for the 19" Cimex. Also want to purchase 2 gallons of Punch as well. Plus I've been asking that I be invoiced for this order, rather than putting it on my credit card account, as I am trying to pay down some of my credit card balances.


Rick Gelinas

Re: E-mail woes

August 24 2006, 11:20 PM 

Hi Mark,

We can invoice you, not a problem.

However the August Special is for the 8" pads only.

The price for 2 single gallons of Encap-Punch is $50.

Just let me know what you need and we can get you taken care of.

BTW, I believe we have the web problems resolved. Straightened out the last of it today.


Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - No one minding the store?
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