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Cimex or a Brute

August 24 2006 at 8:35 PM

I am going to buy one of the two machines. Rick saw my post on ICS. He did not even respond. I have some guys say Cimex and others say Brute. I know in the past I have been a clown. But this is serious.

Golden Boy


Re: Cimex or a Brute

August 24 2006, 8:51 PM 

I will take the Cimex over the brute if I had to choose between the two.


Patrick Matte


August 24 2006, 10:03 PM 

Rambo does own a couple of the yellow money makers!



August 24 2006, 10:18 PM 

I as does Patrick own a Cimex and an OP machine (not a Brute). If you believe
in the Encapsalation process. Then I would say go with the Cimex on CGD it is the best. I just don't see how you can get the production changing pads every 5 mins because they get filthy plus you'll need a ton of them.
I am not bashing OP as I find it very usefull in smaller commercial settings
I did a dentist office this weekend and it was perfect. But for the big stuff I'd go with the Cimex. But you know the arguments between OP and Cimex as well as anyone. I happen to like it and if I ) need another Commercial machine hands down it will be a Cimex.


Re: Encapsalation

August 24 2006, 10:34 PM 

i think the cimex puts down way to much chem. lol i guess that's because i didnt master the feathering system yet

This message has been edited by encapster on Aug 24, 2006 10:37 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Encapsalation

August 24 2006, 11:30 PM 

Copy and pasted from the ICS message board...

Re: Brute or Cimex
Posted By David GARGAN on 8/24/2006 at 5:31 PM
I just did a building last week with 47,500 sq ft of halls and used both machines.
The cimex did better on the trashed parts but both did well over all.

Rick Gelinas

David Van Briggle

Re: Encapsalation

August 25 2006, 3:04 PM 

I've had a Cimex since about 1982. I also had a Brute for a short time. The Cimex is a bit more mobile and easier to run. I also prefer the gravity feed. I thought the carpet looked about the same with both machines. With the Brute you can pick up soil in the pad, but that is only if you're changing pads every few minutes. On a large job that's a lot of pads and time. If you don't change them frequently, once the pad is saturated you are straight encaping and if I'm doing that I want the Cimex. If I want to pick up soil, I run a high speed rotary behind the cimex with Thin One pads. The more I do this the less and less I am extracting CGD.

Current Topic - Cimex or a Brute
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS