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What is your favorite Commercial work?

August 25 2006 at 7:53 AM


I'm trying to put together my marketing plan for commercial jobs; just wondering what your favorite target market is; i.e. the jobs you like the most...Ive been doing some retail work, and usually prefer larger jobs, but hard to come by sometimes. What's your favorite? I know some people in the past mentioned office buildings...



BTW i'm referring in particular to VLM jobs with the Cimex...


Rick Gelinas

Re: What is your favorite Commercial work?

August 25 2006, 8:33 AM 

My favorites are high end offices and retail.

My least favorites are filthy restaurants, and small accounts that aren't worth the trouble.

Rick Gelinas


Re: What is your favorite Commercial work?

August 25 2006, 10:18 AM 

Assisted Living Centers.

Clay Carson

Re: What is your favorite Commercial work?

August 25 2006, 10:38 PM 

We like schools and colleges and office space. Have no objection to retail, but don't like late nights on accounta I can't get my beauty sleep.


Fav Comm Work

August 26 2006, 9:25 AM 

The ones that hire me or my freinds!! All others suck.

Event Places
Pre Schools


Re: Fav Comm Work

August 26 2006, 6:52 PM 

Offices (high rise) Dr./Denist/Chiroprator, Day Care Centers, Churches, Auto Dealerships, Anything at the Atlanta Airport (have several contracts there and I charge a premimum) Golf Tour Hdq. like the Chik Fil-A at Eagles Landing Country Club just to name a few.

Current Topic - What is your favorite Commercial work?
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