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Silly Cimex Questions

September 3 2006 at 1:10 PM
Steve Manier  

Hi all,

I bought a new Cimex a while back and have a few questions.

Does the power dial only turn one way? Mine does and whenever I turn it off and back on again I have to go "full circle" before I get back to the direction I was scrubbing in wich leads me to my next question.

Does it matter in wich scrub direction you have the power dial set at? Do I set it in 1 direction and go over an area, then set it in the opposite direction and go back over it? What is the best direction? clockwise or counter clockwise and what is the purpose of 2 directions? When should I use both directions?

When transporting the Cimex and I have the head folded up and resting on the floor what can I do to keep it from rolling from side to side? Is there some kind of locking mechanismn Im missing? Or should I even be folding the head? I hooked a bungee cord thru the head hand and too my chemical rack and that seemed to hold it into place ok. Just wondering if Im missing something.

When lifting the Cimex, what is the trick to keep the head from moving. I can lift it fine but go off balance when the head moves. Any tips or tricks on lifting it?

How do you know when to change pads? How many sq ft do you clean first? Do you wash them out after so many sq ft or just keep going?

How many full tanks do you go thru when cleaning 20k of carpet? We used about 1 tank for every 5k. Capret was moderate soil. Is this about right?

I must say that the Cimex is really the perfect commercial machine to have just like I have heard. It moves so easy, under desks and around corners 360 deg and in all directions. Its hard to believe that the monster can monuver like that. We used it for the first time yesterday to clean around 20k of carpet and was done in 7 hours. Wasnt at all tired and could have scrubbed 20k more feet. Ive Never used or ran one before yesterday and it was so easy to use and very quiet. I am going to try to get so much more commercial carpet now that I have this thing! I will keep the TM for residential but the Cimex and Releasit is definately the ultimate commercial carpet combo. Thanks



The Money Maker.

September 3 2006, 4:27 PM 

Steve, the switch is designed for brush use, Each time you turn it on it changes directions to keep brushes from laying over due to the same direction like a bonnet machine. If you are using pads, don't worry about the direction, also don't clean them, throw them away after they wear down to the pad holder, but be careful that the bristles on the pad holder don't come thru to damage the carpet. Pads are cheap, change them often (Rick, will thank you) I have two Cimexes and I always transport them with the head down, I leave the pads on and with the head down it stays put with just a small bungee cord around the tank to the side of the van. The Cimex 19" tank will hold 6 gallons, I never use more than 4 gallons at a time even on the large jobs. I like to add very hot water more often. As far as how far it will clean if the tank is full would depend on type of carpet, degree of soil, how long since the last cleaning, etc. Good luck with it.

This message has been edited by raymoody on Sep 3, 2006 4:28 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: The Money Maker.

September 3 2006, 10:43 PM 

Does the power dial only turn one way?

Yes, the switch turns only one way. As you turn the switch clockwise it turns the machine on and off and reverses the direction of the motor. This is intended to extend brush life by keeping the bristles from getting set in one direction. This applies if you were running it with brushes. Since you're using the FiberPlus pads this feature is inconsequential - makes no difference which way the motor is turning.

When transporting the Cimex and I have the head folded up and resting on the floor what can I do to keep it from rolling from side to side?

Try leaving the pad drivers on the machine and transport it with the head down. This will keep it from rolling around. Make sure =you leave the pad drivers and pads on the machine if you decide to do it this way.

When lifting the Cimex, what is the trick to keep the head from moving.

Try to avoid lifting the Cimex if you can. It's hard on your back. And it's hard on the machine because you'll invariably pull the tank loose as you wrestle with the machine. It's far better to get a short ramp. You can make one out of a piece of 3/4" plywood. We also sell a really nice aluminum ramp that's perfect for rolling the Cimex easily into the truck.

How do you know when to change pads? How many sq ft do you clean first? Do you wash them out after so many sq ft or just keep going?

Run the pads till they wear THIN. They normally last between 7,000-10,000 sq ft, on the average. Don't pull them off until they are about 1/4" thick. It's not normally necessary to rinse them off because they're being rinsed as the detergent flows through them while you're cleaning. If they were to get really filthy on a trashed job, of course you could spray them off, but that's not normally needed.

How many full tanks do you go thru when cleaning 20k of carpet? We used about 1 tank for every 5k. Capret was moderate soil. Is this about right?

You should average about 300 sq ft per gallon of diluted detergent. There are variables of course. This is just a rule of thumb. But it's pretty accurate in most cases. So a tankful should clean about 1,800 feet. So you'd likely use about 11 to 12 full tanks to clean 20,000 sq ft.

I must say that the Cimex is really the perfect commercial machine to have just like I have heard. It moves so easy, under desks and around corners 360 deg and in all directions. Its hard to believe that the monster can monuver like that. We used it for the first time yesterday to clean around 20k of carpet and was done in 7 hours. Wasnt at all tired and could have scrubbed 20k more feet. Ive Never used or ran one before yesterday and it was so easy to use and very quiet. I am going to try to get so much more commercial carpet now that I have this thing! I will keep the TM for residential but the Cimex and Releasit is definately the ultimate commercial carpet combo. Thanks

Thanks for the feedback. I agree with you 100% - this is a great system for commercial carpet care. Welcome to the Cimex/Releasit club! It has proven to be a nice answer for building up the commercial side of the business. Kinda puts it all into a new light doesn't it? Enjoy!

P.S. Anytime you need assistance don't hesitate to ask. We're here to assist you any way we can.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 3, 2006 10:46 PM

Steve Manier

Re: The Money Maker.

September 4 2006, 2:37 PM 

Thanks Rick,

I also wanted to give a shoutout to you and Beth. Excellent customer service at Excellent Supply! Thanks again.



Rick Gelinas

Re: The Money Maker.

September 4 2006, 4:26 PM 

Thanks for those nice thoughts Steve.
You made my day

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Silly Cimex Questions
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS