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New Logo Design and New Tag Line

September 8 2006 at 2:47 PM

Rick Gelinas  

Thanks to Ray for being a goofball yesterday and announcing to everyone that Excellent Supply was for sale, we went ahead and reformated our logo. Seeing that folks could possibly get confused and mistakenly leave out the HYPHEN in (which would take them to the wrong website) we went ahead and tweaked our logo just a little in order to accentuate the HYPHEN slightly. Now the hyphen will stand out just a bit more prominently. Hopefully the subtle emphasis on the hyphen in the redesigned logo will help people to be more aware of it. Well possibly Ray could still miss the hyphen LOL.

We've also been working with the tag-line encap it! in some of our marketing. So we added encap it! to our logo on the website. Plus we forwarded the domain name encapit, which we already owned, to So you can now type in your browser bar and it will take you directly to

So I guess it wasn't a bad thing after all that Ray was trying to be funny yesterday about Excellent Supply being for sale.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Sep 8, 2006 3:35 PM


Re: New Logo Design and New Tag Line

September 8 2006, 5:19 PM 

One thing for sure, probably a lot more people are now more aware of the correct wording of web site.

Onya Ray, this may make others sing the Moody Blues under their breath.

Another way of pulling the RUG from under their feet mate ???




Rick and Shorty passed the test...

September 8 2006, 10:02 PM 

Last week after trying to go to the web address of Excellent Supply Co. and I was at the lake and away from home and desk in McDonough and having a senior moment, I decided to bring attention to it by poking a little fun. Alot more know how to get there now. Your welcome Rick.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick and Shorty passed the test...

September 8 2006, 10:53 PM 

Thanks Ray LOL

Rick Gelinas

Kevin Jones

Rick, did you not get

September 9 2006, 10:10 AM 

my $35,000,000 offer to buy?? If I'm gonna buy Excellent-Supply, I want the old logo!! lol


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick, did you not get

September 11 2006, 6:23 AM 



Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - New Logo Design and New Tag Line
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS