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Interesting phone call....

September 12 2006 at 8:54 AM
Kevin Jones  

Got a call last Friday from one of the big maintenance management firms out of New York. They wanted someone to clean the carpets at several of the large commercial accounts they manage. I said I'd be glad to help out. The lady calling me said they had one they needed done ASAP. I said no problem. She asked me if I used hwe. I said yes ma'am, in residential settings (I know some of you encap, but I choose not to in residences...besides I paid good money for that truckmount). Anyway, she says her "technical manager" wants hwe. I told her I understood. I also told her that I knew what I was doing (very politely) and had been in this business for several years, and, that by being in the trenches, I know what works best in commercial settings. I told her to tell her "technical manager" that I would clean the store using encap. If the store personnel weren't completely blown away by the job, then the maintenance company owed me was free. If the store personnel were completely blown away, which I told her they would be, then I'd send her an invoice and wait for the next one. She said she wasn't sure, she' run it by the "technical manager". I then told her, "Ma'am, I understand you folks aren't too sure about encapsulation. Let me tell you this, you need to get on the boat or someone who DOES understand it will snatch every account you have right out from under your noses and leave you wondering 'what happened?' Now, let me help you make your clients even happier than they already are".
Wow....I haven't heard back from them. I'll update if I do.
I guess I'm just gettin' cocky and arrogant in my old age.
By the way, Rick, it was a pleasure to meet you and Nancy when I was in Tampa. Melinda says thanks for the lunch!

This message has been edited by KevinJones on Sep 12, 2006 8:55 AM


Interesting phone call

September 12 2006, 11:16 AM 

We also had a call a few weeks ago, they were looking for someone to do jewelery stores in our town and surrounding towns. Nice guy, but his hands we tied on how much he could pay.

He was willing to pay up to 8-cents a sq/ft with a $65.00 minimum.

Problem was the stores were so small (less that 800sq/ft) that it just wasn't worth the hassle.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Interesting phone call

September 12 2006, 9:05 PM 

Maintenance shmaintenance. MMM's - who needs 'em.
They're bone heads for the most part.

Kevin it was great to meet you and your bride when you were here.
How was your cruise?

Rick Gelinas

Kevin Jones

She called back...

September 13 2006, 7:57 AM 

Surprisingly they turned down my offer. Oh well, when I get big enough, I pull the rug out from under their feet! lol
The cruise was great. After seeing some of 'em get so drunk, I realize now that those "disappearances" from cruise ships, at least in some cases, is some fool who most likely falls off the boat by himself.


Re: She called back...

September 13 2006, 8:26 AM 

We do work for a chain of stores, we have them because I can clean them durning business hours. No having people stay late or having to give someone keys or codes.

This company does not even let the security guards have keys to the place.
Seems everyone else wanted to HWE the place or used some crappy chemicals for bonnet/ pad cleaning. We were the only people who did not get complaints.

Being able to clean during hours of opertaion is a great marketing tool

Thanks Releasit.

Doug Payne

Re: She called back...

September 18 2006, 4:12 AM 

Hey dave... do you have any problem with them walking on it??? I would think its still damp and would cause "clean shoe syndrom" you know taking the dirt off their shoes and leaving it on the clean carpet..

Current Topic - Interesting phone call....
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