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Laundry Detergent spill - how to treat?

September 14 2006 at 12:17 PM

hello all

tomorrow i have a laundry detergent spill on CGD. how should i go forward with treating this? (i tried the search button but didn't find much, if you know of a link, please post it.)

i have some VLM tools and an upholstery HWE machine as well.

thanx --- Derek.


Det Spill

September 14 2006, 12:36 PM 

Hi Derek,

I would make sure you can up all the soap which could take a while, after that I would dry it and then encap it. The key is to soak up the soap



Rick Gelinas

Re: Det Spill

September 14 2006, 1:20 PM 


You might want to try using your Challenger OP machine on that. The cotton pads can soak up the detergent. If you use Encap-Punch it does a good job of encapsulating villainous detergent residues. Plan on spending enough time and enough cotton pads to pull the gunk out of the carpet. You should expect to spend least a few minutes and use at least a few pads.

Rick Gelinas


Punch or Procyon?

September 14 2006, 3:34 PM 

thanx Ralph and Rick.

Rick, the soap residue is dry. should i spray the area down with RTU Punch in my MultiSprayer? then rinse with dry OR wet cotton pads (which?)?

i saw an old post from Rambo on the VLM forum (i think this might have been pre-encap)
and his advice to a similar problem was to use Procyon. since Procyon is soap-free, is that a good product to use for this? or is encap'ing it with Punch the way to go?

i also read posts on ICS about using defoamer, which i have a few gallons of...any merit to that? i assume i'd run it thru my sol tank on my small HWE portable. i could then go over it with the Challenger.?.

so many possibilities but i need the one that will give the best results with nary a wick-back (this is a demo for a large building i want!).

thanx for everyones responses--- Derek

Kevin Jones

Re: Punch or Procyon?

September 14 2006, 3:40 PM 

I have dealt with that two ways:
The first, I hwe'ed using only water. I soaked that sucker down numerous time and extracted away. The next day, it was back.
The second, I Cimexed it using Releasit DS as normal...a pass then a dry pass. Then, I dry passed it a few more times. No problem. It didn't come back.


Re: Punch or Procyon?

September 14 2006, 3:50 PM 

thanx Kevin! great idea, i will consider planning on going back. or i might just try the best i can tomorrow and tell them, "it very well might come back but i wanted to use the least-aggressive approach to safely clean your carpet. if that doesn't work, i will call Monday anyways and you make sure and tell me if it re-appeared and i'll come back and take care of it with a slightly more aggressive cleaning procedure that is still safe and effective."

...something like that.

thanx for the tip --- Derek.

Mark Hart

Re: Punch or Procyon?

September 15 2006, 2:06 PM 

Hey Derek,

If you can get hold of a Water Claw. Saturate the area with water mixed with some defoamer. Suck it out with your portable & the Water Claw. Do it as often as necessary. Then encap & dry with an air mover.


Re: Punch or Procyon?

September 15 2006, 5:23 PM 

Since the area is dry I would wet out a bunch of pads with a 50 50 mix of water and defoamer, run them over the affected area until you are satisfied you have removed as much as you can. After that encap with encap punch and cotton pads.

The problem should be fixed

Current Topic - Laundry Detergent spill - how to treat?
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