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September 17 2006 at 1:30 AM
Mark Anthony 

Hello everybody. I am trying to see what uniform works better for a proffesional business of carpet cleaning. I was in the cleaning industry and wore the traditional blue shirt double pocket, jeans, name tag and company name. I think, that is I think (wow, I did it again)that we need to look more set apart from the janitorial service look (I used to be a janitor, 20 plus years that is). I am looking for your look with maybe pictures of Owner/Operator and helper/employees. Help please.

Thanx :~}

Afterglow Carpet Care



September 17 2006, 6:59 AM 

I went to a embrodiery store and had some nice t-shirts with pockets made up. I also have sweatshirts for the colder season. I wear painter's jean shorts. The problem for me is I am a sweater? When I have several jobs in one day I have to bring a change of cloths and change in between jobs. I could never wear the uniforms you are talking about. Remember you need to be comfortable. I also wear hats that have my company logo on them.


This message has been edited by Remdawg on Sep 17, 2006 6:59 AM


Patrick Matte

Re: Uniforms

September 17 2006, 7:28 AM 

I wear workwear shorts from sears online.Very durable products and they're a mix of poly and ?.Shirts...I've been changing that up alot.As always;a cotton/poly blend due to my constant sweating.They're were always polo shirts embriodered with our logo,in company colors.Now I'm experimenting with very specific items.Namely Roylal Robbins shirts that are button down,short sleeve that are nade up of wicking type materials;nylon,poly,modal,ect...Comfort and a professional image are a neccessity.



September 17 2006, 11:11 AM 

Nothing beats Light blue button down collar shirts (60/40) cotton/rayon either short or long sleve and brown kahki pants. Check Rick Gelanis in his videos. Very professional looking. I know I'll take some heat on this, but shorts and t-shirts are way to casual looking for us. I am reminded of the funeral directors convention when they were complaining about cheap funerals (like our room pricers) and they all decided to go back home and upgrade their equipment and image. Expensives hearses, dark suits with ties and better facilities. Funeral prices doubled almost over night.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Dress/Price

September 17 2006, 2:39 PM 

Our uniform:

Khaki colored "Docker style" pants (full length or shorts). A white polo shirt with logo above the pocket. Brown shoes.

This is a comfortable outfit to work in and it looks good.

We've gotten lots of compliments about this uniform, including frequently - "you don't look like carpet cleaners" - not sure whether that's a good reflection on the industry, but we took it as a compliment.

I don't think that jeans or tennis/athletic shoes look professional and we don't wear this, unless it's a job where the customer won't be there to see us.

Works for us

Rick Gelinas



September 17 2006, 9:27 PM 

I have red button down short sleeve shirts with logo embroided Company name and polo shirts. I also wear nice khaki shorts during the summer and khaki pants during the winter. Nice grey adias sneakers with shorts and brown shoes with pants. Looking for some nice button down long sleeve for the winter.
company colors are Red with gold logo and khaki shorts.



September 20 2006, 7:43 AM 

Great place to get uniform shirts
just tell them I sent you - I'll get a discount on my next order. Nice thing about them - minimums are low and they run specials all the time!

David Hebert

Re: Shirts

September 20 2006, 4:11 PM 

we get ours from Queensborough also
good stuff

Current Topic - UNIFORMS ???
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