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Rick G Acid Rinse ??

September 27 2006 at 7:48 AM

Rick I saw your post on ICS concerning the water leak and white redsidue. You recommended
"Prob'ly a mineral build-up, either from the water or the concrete. I'd suggest bonnet cleaning with an acidic cleaner. Should do the trick."
When I bonnet clean I use punch with a little DS mixed in are you saying in this situation I should rinse with an ACID Fiber Rinse or maybe use the Citric Acid mixed in with the Releasit that I've used before to get rid of browning water stains? thks


Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick G Acid Rinse ??

September 27 2006, 7:58 AM 

Here was the original question...

Commercial Glue Down question
Posted By Bill Martin on 9/26/2006 at 8:27 PM

Nursing home, in a hallway (one that I don't clean, so don't know what methods have been used on it) has a drippy leak from overhead plumbing line. Ceiling is the insulated removable 2x4 panel. Everytime they think the leak is fixed, it starts leaking again. Been damp, dry, and then wet over past 2 months. When it dries, stain is white, carpet color is green and therefore white really shows up. Any guess as to why it is white? My first thought was an over application of some type of bonnet cleaner. They do not use carpet fresh or dry powder in their cleaning methods, so I would rule that out.

Head of the cleaning Department asked me for my input so Ithought I would check with the BB opinions. City water in this area is hard.

Bill in central Florida

Here was my reply...

Re: Commercial Glue Down question
Posted By Rick Gelinas on 9/26/2006 at 9:06 PM

Prob'ly a mineral build-up, either from the water or the concrete. I'd suggest bonnet cleaning with an acidic cleaner. Should do the trick.

To answer your question...

No. If you're bonnet cleaning with Punch you wouldn't normally want to add an acid. The only time an acid would be beneficial is when there is a browning problem, or when there's an apparent high mineral/calcium/lime condition in the carpet.

I hope that clarifies things.

Rick Gelinas


Not quite

September 27 2006, 9:59 AM 

So what would be an example of an Acidic Cleaner that would work with bonnet cleaning in this situation?


Patrick Matte

Re: Not quite

September 27 2006, 11:26 AM 

Powerpak by Hardball.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Not quite

September 27 2006, 2:34 PM 

You can spike Encap-Punch with citric acid. It works great.

I guess that may have been what you were asking,
I think I might have misunderstood you originally.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Rick G Acid Rinse ??
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS