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October 1 2006 at 2:37 PM
Grant D  

Here are a few pix from a recent job I did where the dog dragged a deep fryer through the living room and down a hall. All the dark spots are grease blobs. I started with punch, scrubbed with fiber plus pads, then several pads with my Challenger. Then after this I re-applied encap clean DS and scrubbed with fiber-max pads. Worked pretty well. You can still see faint traces of the spots but the homeowner was ecstatic as I was their last resort before re-carpeting.


Re: Pictures

October 1 2006, 3:20 PM 

Good well done, my good man.


Patrick Matte

Re: Pictures

October 1 2006, 7:00 PM 

Looks great!You did mention seeing faint traces...did you do any pre-& post-spotting?

Grant D

Re: Pictures

October 1 2006, 11:41 PM 

My primary spotter I've been using lately is releasit mixed 1-3 or 1-2. On this one I followed later with some cyclone also.


Re: Pictures

October 2 2006, 8:17 AM 

Not trying to knock you cause that place looks waaaaaaay beter than it did but, a little cotton goes a long way. The less you leave behind the better. Looks good though!

Anthony Hernandez

Re: Pictures

October 2 2006, 11:45 AM 

that challenger is a dynamite machine and it's very versitile i can clean carpets ,spot cleaning,vct stripping or scrub and recoat , tile and grout scrubbing especially in those really greasy kitchens mop on some stripper and scrub with the grout brushes and you'll be  amazed lol it is a dynamite machine i dont even use my cimex anymore lol and it's been a while allready

This message has been edited by EXTREME-STEAM on Oct 2, 2006 11:49 AM

Grant D

Re: Pictures

October 2 2006, 12:34 PM 

Actually I did use a lot of pads. I'm just saying when I got done I then went over it again with DS and a fiber-max pad to try to encap some of the deep down residue.


Patrick Matte

Re: Pictures

October 2 2006, 1:17 PM 

Its like I tell all of my clients;Much to the disapproval of my wife,when I take a shower I do not come out 18 years old!Just like our bodies,carpet is only new once!


Re: Pictures

October 3 2006, 8:10 PM 

I tell my cusomer/clients, that I can wash a rusty truck and it will be clean but it will still be rusty. And on the nasties< I tell them, that you can't polish a turd.

Current Topic - Pictures
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS