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Tile & Grout

October 8 2006 at 11:32 PM
Mark Anthony 

I did a resi friday and she asked me if I clean grout and I said I sure do being in the janitorial business for many years. After cleaning the carpet as I was talking to the custy I let the Cimex rest on the ON possition for 30 seconds on the tile and then I moved it off and what do you know? The black grout turned to a PEACH color. She was sold and wants me to do her grout.
The problem is I donot know what chemical to use that will lift to hard dirt that the Cimex did not lift in those 30 seconds. I was suprised myself. I would not even know how much to charge. I have to give the Custy a bid by Tuesday. Please all you pro's out there HELP?!?!?!

Thank you,

Thanx :~}

Afterglow Carpet Care


Re: Tile & Grout

October 9 2006, 2:01 AM 

larry cobbs powermax is all good.and $1 per sq ft is the going rate

David Gelinas

Re: Tile & Grout

October 9 2006, 7:18 AM 

Hi Mark, this has worked well for me and chances are it will do the same for you.

Take your favorite VCT stripper and mix it like you normally would, probably 1-4, and apply it to the floor. The reason I use stripper is because someone at some time probably put some type of “wax” on the floor. Yes there are better grease cutting products but they don’t strip finish and stripper cuts grease well enough. Apply it, let it dwell, scrub the floor and pick it up. I use a high pressure porty. On only the most extreme situations should you ever need to use an acid to remove the top layer of grout to expose “new” grout. The cost for cleaning is $1.20. Then if they want it, it can be clear sealed with a 15 year warranty or color sealed; either one at another $1.20.

This should do it for you, if I can help out anymore let me know.

David Gelinas


You need to listen...

October 9 2006, 2:43 PM 

to David, after all, how many of you drive a Lincoln Navagator as a service vehicle? At least that was what he was working out of when I saw him in Atlanta.


Rick Gelinas

Re: You need to listen...

October 9 2006, 3:16 PM 

Dave's got a couple of E250's (with 1800MarbleGuy signs) for his "work" vehicles.
The Lincoln navigator is his "personal" vehicle.

My guess is that driving a work truck all the way to Atlanta was less desirable than cruisin in the Navigator.

Rick Gelinas



October 9 2006, 7:40 PM 

At least he doesn't drive a Mini-Cooper. LOL


Rick Gelinas

Re: Well...

October 9 2006, 10:28 PM 

Hey Ray,
The Mini Cooper is a 200-horse 6-speed supercharged street legal go cart. BMW did a terrific job of redesigning these cars. And the John Cooper Works package adds to its performance. The Cooper-S with JCW is too much fun!

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Tile & Grout
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