I posted this on the ICS message board, but I thought I'd post it here too.
Perhaps it will give you something to ponder
Posted By Rick Gelinas on 10/10/2006 at 6:09 PM
There was a post below about following up on commercial accounts. That made me think of this lil story that I experienced in my business. I thought it might be food for thought for some of you...
How I Landed a $47,000 a Year Account:
Back in around 84/85 (when I was a young man in my cleaning business with a lot more hair than I've got now) I was going after a very choice floor care account. It was a group of 18 small stores in my area with VCT flooring that received service once a week.
There I was, a young buck looking to land a big fish. I walk in to the main office for these stores and ask to speak with the owner of the company. I was told that the owner wasn't the one I should speak with - I'd need to speak with the owner's son, and he's not available to speak with you. So I left my flyer on the receptionists desk and left the office.
End of story? Hardly! Remember I was a hungry young buck looking to land a big one.
I came back a couple of weeks later and asked to speak with Steve (I had learned what the owner's son's name was on that initial contact). Same response... Steve is not available. Again I left my flyer on the desk and left the office.
Well this scenario was repeated again. Same response - Steve is not available. I went in again - same response. I went in again. This routine replayed at least a dozen times or more over the next several months.
Then guess what happened one day? Yep! You guessed it...
One day I walked in and before I could ask for Steve, the receptionist told me that Steve would see me today. I don't know if they were curious about my dilligent persistence. I don't know what what they were thinking at that point. They might have been wondering if I was a nut - LOL But I can tell you this... MY PERSISTENCE HAD PAID OFF!
You see the first dozen times I went in there they weren't looking for a new floor guy. But when the time came for them to shop for a new floor guy, I was the first one they thought of. Or you could say, when the time came that they finally had an itch - I was the one that came to mind to scratch it.
If I hadn't been persistent I would NEVER have landed that account. An account that paid me between $800-$1000 every week for the next 18 years. That's over $840,000 for being persistent.
But better than the sale of that account, I learned a valuable lesson about marketing to commercial accounts. I learned that persistence pays!
Rick Gelinas