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Grey Slime...

October 13 2006 at 8:22 PM

Is anyone else noticing a grey slime at the bottom of the Releasit DS? Nt much but enough to be concerned about. I also notice that when I first turn on the Cimex, there is a little bit of the grey slime going down the clear plastic tub from the tank to the power head.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Grey Slime...

October 14 2006, 9:39 AM 

Never seen that before Gary.

What's the batch number? It's printed on a little label on the jug and on the box.
We keep a control sample from every batch. I can look into it if you have the batch number.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Grey Slime...

October 14 2006, 11:03 AM 

Rick, I checked my stock (11 gallons) and could not find any stickers on the jugs. When shipments come in we un-box them and put them on the shelf, so I have no shipping boxes that they came in. The only number I see on the gallon jug that might be a batch number is 501189/06-23-2005 These just came in a few weeks ago.


Me too

October 14 2006, 7:02 PM 

I have seen that too...was wondering what it was. Came from my last shipment of DS.
501189/06-23-2005 Any ideas?


Re: Me too

October 14 2006, 7:42 PM 

I have seen it also
Batch 501189/06-23-2005

I thought is was me or I left it in the truck too long or did not still
up the chem enough before. Still seem to clean fine



Shelf Life?

October 15 2006, 10:27 AM 

Does that number mean that it was manufactured June 23, 2005 ? and if so what is the shelf life of Releseit DS in a plastic jug? In glass which no one uses anymore would be almost indefinite.


Re: Shelf Life?

October 15 2006, 2:05 PM 

Having worked in manufacturing in the past for over 20 years,I've seen similiar things before. The grey matter could be dust from manufacturing,or from the molding process, ect.Just a thought.


Rick Gelinas

Gray matter

October 16 2006, 3:05 PM 

501189/06-23-2005 is not the lot number. That is the item number and the last time the label was updated. 501189 is our item number for Encap-Clean DS. And the last time the label was changed was 06-23-2005.

The lot number is a small paper label attached to the box. And within that lot number is an encoded date. I'd need to have the actual lot number to research an individual batch.

Regarding your question about gray matter, I've been on the phone with our chemist today looking into this. The only explanation I have at this point is that some settling of the raw ingredients naturally occurs. Raw ingredients can come out of suspension as a product sits on the shelf. Our chemist suspects that it could be the Soileze that is falling out of suspension. Shaking the product well should put it back into suspension. It's not likely that you're seeing any foreign matter in the jug, because our products get filtered before the product goes into the jug. However our chemist is going to take a look at a few of the most recent batches to see if there is any problem (this will take a few days). Our chemist feels that what you’re seeing is simply some settling of the product. But I should know more after the chemist takes a closer look. As David mentioned above, the cleaning efficacy is not affected, so what you've observed shouldn't present a problem.

Here's another possible explanation for the gray matter. We started using the Einstein character in our marketing to demonstrate that using Releasit is Brilliant! Well maybe that gray matter actually represents "gray matter" ... i.e. intelligence.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Grey Slime...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS