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20 - 40 Vol & Ammonia --- mixed

October 18 2006 at 11:32 AM

i've read that mixing these two chem's 50/50 will make something similar to Stain Magic. i also know that i like to add either to my Encap as a Booster for the grungy jobs.

what about mixing these together in my Encap juice at let's say, 3oz each per gallon of RTU Encap?

i know Rick that you can't advise that, but anyone know if these 2 chems can be used like this? and if it will harm CGD? (obviously i wouldn't use any 20 - 40 Vol on brighter colored carpets with reds or blues)

thanx --- Derek.

Rick Thode

Re: 20 - 40 Vol & Ammonia --- mixed

October 18 2006, 12:56 PM 

Actually Derek, there is an easier and less expensive way to do this. Simply buy a 50 lb bag of Sodium Percarbonate. This stuff is basically powdered peroxide with a higher pH. This increases the grease cutting ability as well as brightens the colors. You can buy this from any major industrial chemical supplier for $80 - $90 a bag here in Canada and you only 2 - 4 oz per tank. It lasts a long time.

Rick Thode

Tim Visser

Re: 20 - 40 Vol & Ammonia --- mixed

October 18 2006, 5:27 PM 

what does the chemical do? and can you used it in extraction carpets?


Thanx Bro!

October 18 2006, 8:45 PM 

thanx Rick. i've read others post about that chem but never read exactly what it does.

much appreciated --- Derek.

Rick Thode

Re: 20 - 40 Vol & Ammonia --- mixed

October 18 2006, 11:16 PM 

Sodium Percabonate is a mild oxidizer and work almost identical to peroxide except it has a higher pH. Instead of just oxidizing like peroxide, it also boost the cleaning ability of your solution as well.

It also works incredibly well with extraction. You use it in your prespray solution so it has that dwell time. It is the active ingredient in most prespray boosters as well as many urine treatments.

It's a very versatile product.

Rick Thode


another ? for you Rick T.

October 19 2006, 12:41 PM 

do i have to be careful using it on brighter colors (reds and blues) like i do with 20-40 vol?

thanx! --- Derek

Rick Thode

Re: another ? for you Rick T.

October 20 2006, 12:06 AM 

The only place that I have ever heard of a concern is on wools and that is mostly do to the higher pH. At moderate levels (couple ounces per gallon) I've never heard of anyone having any problems at all.

Rick Thode


What is Vol?

October 20 2006, 9:27 PM 

What is vol?

Rick Thode

Re: What is Vol?

October 20 2006, 10:53 PM 

It's a relative term. 10 Vol. is what you normally buy from the drug store and is a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. 20 Vol. is 6%, 30 Vol. is 9% and 40 Vol. is 12%.

Rick Thode

Tim Visser

Re: 20 - 40 Vol & Ammonia --- mixed

October 21 2006, 6:23 PM 

where do you buy this sodium stuff?

Rick Thode

Re: 20 - 40 Vol & Ammonia --- mixed

October 21 2006, 11:56 PM 

Most industrial chemical suppliers.

Rick Thode


Vol stands for

October 22 2006, 8:57 PM 

vol stands for volume.

i just ordered my sodium perc from

haven't received it yet tho...found that site on ICS.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - 20 - 40 Vol & Ammonia --- mixed
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