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How are you cleaning steps?

October 18 2006 at 5:39 PM

We are using Releasit and Cimex's for commercial glue down carpet, but we are still HWE the steps.

How are you cleaning them, bucket & brush? Spray and pad?



Re: How are you cleaning steps?

October 18 2006, 8:49 PM 

i've used EncapClean and scrubbed it in with:

- my Host machine.

- a drill and a brush like the one Rick sells here.

- a smaller hand held OP machine like the one Challenger Pad Systems sells with a cotton pad, ThinOne or Fiber pad.

i use the latter the most often, as it is the easiest and does the BEST job for me.

quit that HWE stuff on steps, must be a pain to set up just for that.?.

thanx --- Derek.

Darren Darner

Re: How are you cleaning steps?

October 18 2006, 8:54 PM 

We use the Oreck orbiter - a 12" op machine - use Rick's fiber pads and you are good to go!!! You can find the orbiter pretty cheap on ebay. The other suggestions are good also



Re: How are you cleaning steps?

October 18 2006, 10:44 PM 

BTW, on resi jobs i often use the small OP and Releasit Punch with wet & slightly wrung out cotton pads.

thanx --- Derek.

wayne schermerhorn

Re: How are you cleaning steps?

October 18 2006, 11:40 PM 

I've tried a few different things, but I've been using a bucket and a brush with fairly stiff bristles. It requires a bit more physical effort, but they're turning out nice. I use a real srong ratio for stairs. I know it's not very technical, but I just pour a quick dash of DS right in the bucket, and 4-6 cups of water. Pace yourself so you don't wear your arm and shoulder out.

wayne schermerhorn


Re: How are you cleaning steps?

October 18 2006, 11:56 PM 

very easy i just use my proteam back pack with the small atatchment to pre vac,then i spray down my encapsulator nice and evenly with my pump up sprayer kinda heavy though,then i hook up my extension cord to my drill driver i like the stiff nylon brush atatchment if its a cut pile and the fiber plus pads if its commercial and just scrub away like i said very easy to do . but remember to wipe down the walls afterwards because it slings it around a lil bit

Tim Visser

Re: How are you cleaning steps?

October 19 2006, 3:11 PM 

a koblenz scrubber is the perfect size for steps. I work great and it has a small tank for the shampoo.


How are you cleaning steps?

October 19 2006, 9:05 AM 

Thanks guys!

Pete Hagar

Re: How are you cleaning steps?

October 19 2006, 2:56 PM 

Take a piece of plastic and make a splash ring a few inches high for your drill driver to sit in no splash reduces risk of damage and less clean up. We have made them out of five gallon buckets. Cut a strip of the plastic and rivet it to form a ring make it what ever diameter you want we have several sizes. We use ours mostly for marble work but they will work for your application as well.

Good Luck,



Re: How are you cleaning steps?

October 19 2006, 4:59 PM 

I have the drill driver for encapping steps but do not use it.
I set up for HWE every time,
For me the client will wonder "how mickey mouse" using a drill on his carpets seems, so I opt for the truckmount or portable HWE.
Maybe it is my mind but I can't see this as professional using a drill.


Love them stairs

October 19 2006, 8:55 PM 

I have cleaned over 1100 sets of stairs (acording to our records)the last two years with the Whittaker 15" CRB machine. Vac first, pre-spray with Releasit or Cobb's Dynachem, plug in at the bottom of the stairs and with the handle removed, start at the top step and work your way to the bottom. 15 steps should take you 10 to 15 minutes for ALL of the steps above. With the counter rotating brushes you can clean the bull nose and the risers really well. Over the years this has proven to be the fastest and most efficient way for me. The customers sure are impressed with this method. I just figured the gross income from these stairs @ $2.50 per step to be approx. $38,500.00 give or take a step or two. Don't you just love America?

Grant D


October 21 2006, 11:30 PM 

I've switched back to using the Orbiter on steps. Either with encap pads or the carpet brush. Works better than the other things I've tried, but I'm open to something better... maybe the Rambo method...

Current Topic - How are you cleaning steps?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS