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How to buy Sodium Percarbonate?

October 22 2006 at 7:31 AM

I understand that this oxidizer is a desirable booster for cleaning solutions. Who could be a supplier here in Canada for this? Is it compatible with Releasit?


Rick Gelinas

Re: How to buy Sodium Percarbonate?

October 22 2006, 7:47 AM 


Re: How to buy Sodium Percarbonate?

October 22 2006, 8:17 AM 

Rick, I tried to order from this source. Product price is reasonable but they want $200 on top just to ship a 50 lb bag of this product by UPS to me. Any suggestion as to how I can get around this ridiculous shipping cost? Do you know a supplier in Canada?


Rick Gelinas

Re: How to buy Sodium Percarbonate?

October 22 2006, 10:07 AM 

Sorry. I don't know any other suppliers of raw chems that sell in small quantities.

Rick Gelinas

Rick Thode

Sodium Percabonate in Canada

October 22 2006, 11:39 AM 

I live in Alberta and I usually get mine from Univar Canada Ltd. I believe they are across Canada, however, you can also try places like Brenntag.

Rick Thode


Compatible with releasit

October 22 2006, 5:46 PM 

Is it compatible? also, if I use a chemical to clean a spot on the carpet that is normaly extracted after wards, is the releasit strong enough so i could just encap over it, or should i still pull out my portable? Im just looking to cut out some time on resi work...also if i were to use citrus to help cut grease in a resturant, could i just mix it with the releasit or punch and not worry about extraction?

Danny Strickland

Re: Compatible with releasit

October 22 2006, 5:53 PM 

call or email Tony Wheelrite, he uses liquid h2o2, gets it in a 55 gal drum, lasts him about 1 year.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Compatible with releasit

October 22 2006, 7:10 PM 


I can't advise as to whether or not it's compatible with Releasit (we haven't tested it).

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - How to buy Sodium Percarbonate?
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