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Free Cimex To Good Home

October 22 2006 at 10:14 PM

2006 Chevy 2500 HD, white, no lettering 21k mi, cloth seats.

2006 Predator Unleashed 100 hours under warrentee till 5/30/07

$30,000 OBO

PS i'll throw in a 19" Cimex to sweeten the deal


Danny Strickland


What is this world comming to?

October 23 2006, 8:08 AM 

First Mark Stanley tried Truckmount and got rid of it whithin the year, and now Danny.


Aero Tech

October 23 2006, 10:13 AM 

I heard that Danny bought a new Aero Tech. But that hasn't been verifed by him.
But that is one sweet truck/machine. If I was going to be doing this for along time that's the way I would go for sure. NEVER GIVE UP THE CIMEX THOUGH!!!!!


My Bad

October 23 2006, 8:41 PM 

Well that's what I get for believing posts on other boards. It appears Danny is going to strictly VLM not getting an Aero Tech.



October 23 2006, 11:10 PM 

That is exactly what Mark Stanley did. I did it a few years ago when I got rid of my last two truckmounts. Why spend $30000.00 when you can clean just as well with a new version Steamin Demon that cost $2800.00 and you don't have to leave the door open, and find a place to dump all that stinkin waste water. Opps, did you forget to fill the propane tank this morning B-4 we got to this job? I could go on... but it is my bedtime.



October 23 2006, 11:29 PM 

i can not imagine ever getting rid of my Cimex...what a machine.

i've gotten rid of a couple portables, bought a small HWE upholstery machine. all machines have their place. a good solid truckmount has it's place for many....i can see that.

i'd always have an OP machine on hand to...great cleaning system.

nah not really a point to my post, just rambling :P

thanx --- Derek.


Re: ----------------------^

October 24 2006, 12:19 AM 

ive all but forgotten about my cimex machine lol but now after hearing all this i might just give it a whirl again i think its way slow compared to orbital technology now


Re: ----------------------^

October 24 2006, 10:32 AM 

Anthony, you mean like a 20" OP? i've read they are comparable in speed from ppl that own both...some say that the 20" OP is slightly faster, some say the 19" Cimex is faster.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: ----------------------^

October 24 2006, 12:12 PM 

yes the 20" brute i think it's way faster and uses alot less chems but the only thing i dont like about the machine is that it goes so damn fast that it balls up a fiber plus pad or any pad for that matter real quick it makes little balls throughout the pad and falls off

This message has been edited by EXTREME-STEAM on Oct 24, 2006 12:15 PM

Current Topic - Free Cimex To Good Home
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS