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Post cards, do they work.

October 25 2006 at 12:46 PM
Joe M 

Hi all, being on a budget, I am doing a post card mailing. I am picking the better areas in my little world and getting address using a reverse look up program.

I also have a small listing that will be in the yellow pages in July.

I do most resi work because of the hours of my full time job, so the post cards are geared to that.

My ? is do they work. Or am I just wasting money?

I have mailed out about 25 so far and its only been a few days but nothing and I dont expect them to work that soon.

So should I keep doing it. I am the type of guy that wants to see results yesterday.

Joe M


Re: Post cards, do they work.

October 25 2006, 3:22 PM 

Postcards rock! 25 ppostcards do not rock! You need send out lots of them and do it often. I would pick an area and send them out to the entire area as follows:
3 weeks after initial mailing
3 weeks again
then once a month for 4-6 months at least

Truck lettered? Drive through the areas you mailed to on delivery date and a few days after - phone should ring.

Grant D


October 25 2006, 10:28 PM 

Hi Joe,

I've had mixed results with them. The key seems to be in numbers, which costs $$. To save some $$ you can walk neighborhoods and set postcards on peoples porches or something if $$ is tight. I've sent out 1300 in the last 6 weeks and have done 8 jobs from them and have 4 more booked late this week and next week. For the first 3 weeks I was sending them out not one call, but after a few weeks the phone started ringing. There seems to often be a delay. Some people who are sort of interested keep it around and don't throw it away then after a few days/weeks something causes them to give you a call. Even though it's expensive it's had the best return of the things I've tried so far.





October 26 2006, 7:19 AM 

Current Topic - Post cards, do they work.
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