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Demo today

October 27 2006 at 5:54 PM

Used DS & Punch mixed stronger than needed on some problem areas for a new prospect. Could be quite lucrative! Real nice high end joint. Could be my new best account, time will tell. Releasit DS @ 8oz gallon boosted with Punch @ 8oz per gallon will cut through darn near anything! They were impressed. Thanks for the juice Rick.


Re: Demo today

October 27 2006, 6:50 PM 

 it most definelently will it's a dynamite mix lol ive cut through a really greasy restraunt with ds alone like i was using a blazing hot truckmount i even went over it afterwards with the truckmount and it made no noticable difference i was shocked but yeah the owner was more satisfied with the fact that i went afterwards with the hwe but it didnt make no difference and it was a high paying job so i didnt mind

Bob Forsythe

Re: Demo today

October 27 2006, 9:05 PM 

Are you being weaned from the HWE Anthony?


Re: Demo today

October 27 2006, 9:43 PM 

We use 4 to 6 oz of DS and Punch in a lot of areas we do.

I also will go over with HWE in some places, while you may not see
a notice able difference the proof is in the filter box.


Re: Demo today

October 27 2006, 10:08 PM 

nah i am not against hwe at all i know that it does even though it doesnt look visually better that it most deffinelently is better because i know all the encap does is grab all that grease and like scoops it out and dries it out and holds it so that vacuming pulls it out little by little i know that because i went in that place 2 weeks later and it still looked pretty good compared to hwe alone and there was this big black area and i asked what happened here and they said someone spilled a bucket of water there and thats what happened so this told me that if water or a large spill happens that it breaks the bond that the encap formed to dig out all that grease and releases the release it lol so hwe really gets it out almost completely

This message has been edited by EXTREME-STEAM on Oct 27, 2006 10:09 PM


Re: Demo today

October 27 2006, 11:11 PM 

I know HWE must remove more soil, but I don't think encap has the ability to make dirt invisible. I think that when you hit a carpet with prespray the most soluible soil goes right to the bottom of the carpet. Then you go through with the wand and extract almost everything, but that liquified soil at the bottom is hard or impossible to get out. Or maybe it gets washed to the bottom with the wand. With encap (applied from a solution tank) you "suprise" the soil thats stuck to the carpet fibers and most of it ends up in the pad. Even though flushing may get more soil out, it may not look as good due to wickback from the bottom of the carpet...just my unscientific thoughts...but mainly, with Cimex type scrubbing methods, I don't think you are leaving as much soil behind for future vacuuming as is advertised.


Re: Demo today

October 28 2006, 12:12 AM 

I prevacuumed & padcapped it. If you were wondering...

Bob Forsythe

Re: Demo today

October 28 2006, 12:27 AM 

What kind of pads do you use to padcap? When I use a rotary I use the FP pads or Max pads. They work great! I also have a (only 1) green stripe pad that I don't think works too well...maybe it dosen't soak enough dirt up, since it's synthetic.

This message has been edited by BobForsythe on Oct 28, 2006 12:29 AM
This message has been edited by BobForsythe on Oct 28, 2006 12:28 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Demo today

October 28 2006, 6:44 AM 

Hey Jeremy that is great to hear. We are excited with the results folks are getting with Encap-Punch. We already hit a home-run with Encap-Clean but Encap-Punch took a lot of tweaking to get to the point where it is now. We worked with our chemist relentlessly batch after batch after batch to nail Encap-Punch. Well it looks like we've got a winner... potent cleaning power in a true encapsulator that crystallizes like glass. We get lots of good comments about Punch from our customers. We're proud of this one.

Thanks for the feedback
Have a nice weekend!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Demo today

October 28 2006, 11:35 PM 

E.C. mixed with Punch...haven't tried that one yet, sounds interesting. i love OP'ing with Punch.

to "pad-cap", just buy some of the Cimex Bonnets:

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Demo today
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS