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How Many Commercial Contract Clients Do You Have?

October 31 2006 at 6:10 PM

in recent months i am FINALLY doing CC'ing full time. not that i am actually CC'ing for 40 hours, but with all my advertising work (canvassing, demo's, sales calls, etc...) i am putting in 40-50 hours a week.

at any rate, we still only have a handful of Contracted Clients, 9 total, while 3 of them have multiple locations: between 2 and 6.

we then have 28 Clients who are not on Contract.

average size of each Client is, i would guesstimate, 3,000 sq.ft.

so how about the rest of you fellas?

i'm interested to know:

1) how many Contract Clients do you have?

2) how many Non-Contract Clients do you have?

3) what is the average size of all of your Clients? (guesstimate it if you need to)

thanx --- Derek.

This message has been edited by DerekBeyer on Oct 31, 2006 6:10 PM


Commercial Contract Customers

October 31 2006, 8:45 PM 

Hey Derek I'm about like you I only decided to do this 1 1/2 years ago I have about 10 Commercial contract customers and right now the average about 15000 sq.
However 2 of these I just got and could really be money makers. One has several locations and just one location is $2k per month. The other account is really big also.Just htese two accounts would make me happy for the year.
I got a call from a VP of an Insurance Company the other day wanting to know if I used releasit. They had been reading about it on Rick's site and wanted to try it that is about 15000 sq ft doing it quarterly pretty sure we will get that also. It's been a good couple of months seeing as how all the above were referals.


How Many?

October 31 2006, 8:52 PM 

1 more than yesterday. Still NOT ENOUGH!


Ins Co

November 1 2006, 2:40 PM 

Got an email today we got the insurance company!! Start next friday.

Current Topic - How Many Commercial Contract Clients Do You Have?
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS