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whats the difference between punch and DS

November 2 2006 at 2:06 PM
RJ Cleaning Service 

for the releasit. what is the difference between the
punch and the DS as in how much stronger is the punch.

4 ounces of punch would equal to how many ounses of DS.

also how much comes in a case of punch.
I know the releasit is 4 gallons per case.

is the punch the same or is it 4 quarts.

thanks in advance


Rick Gelinas

The 411 on Encap-Punch

November 2 2006, 3:58 PM 

Encap-Punch has been designed to work differently than Encap-Clean. Punch has more solvents and has a very potent cleaning formula. Punch was formulated to perform well as a pre-spray. And as you know, pre-sprays have to be able to attack a wide range of soil loads.

Some have asked --- why isn't there a CRI Seal of Approval for Encap-Clean? The reason is that the CRI does not have a test program in place for "shampoo" type products yet. They're only testing pre-sprays, in-tank HWE detergents, and spot cleaners at this time. So Encap-Punch was tested as a pre-spray and it passed and was awarded the CRI Seal of Approval.

Encap-Punch foams less than Encap-Clean. Not that Encap-Clean foams a lot, but it does foam more than Punch. Punch works very well as a pre-spray and as a rinse detergent. It also does well in a bonnet cleaning setting.

Can Punch be used in a Cimex? Yes it can. Let's say you had an account that only wanted a "CRI Approved" detergent to be used. You could use Encap-Punch for this. If you'll mix Punch at 8-10 ounces per gallon in your Cimex it will perform nicely. You just need to be aware that it won't foam quite as much, so you'll need to get a feel for seeing less foam on the carpet as you're cleaning.

Encap-Punch was one of our most technically challenging products to develop. We worked harder on this one than any of our other products. It's really tough to match potent cleaning power with the crystallizing polymer. We surely weren't going to settle for a product that doesn't encapsulate (like some of the competitors have done LOL). Crystallization is imperative if we're ever going to expect the product to encapsulate soil and release from the fiber. Well we finally got it right with Encap-Punch. It has plenty of cleaning power and it crystallizes like glass.

So the two products are different. Encap-Clean (and its double strength counterpart Encap-Clean DS) are serious encap performers! We hear from cleaners all the time who have tried the other encap products on the market and they tell us they like Encap-Clean better. Cool! Encap-Punch is equally good, it simply employs a different detergent architecture to accomplish different cleaning tasks.

Encap-Punch comes 4 gallons to a case. And by the way, with the November special ($20 off) it's a really good deal.

Rick Gelinas


Re: The 411 on Encap-Punch

November 2 2006, 10:59 PM 

ive tried the dish test and the ds doest form the crytal that the punch forms the punch crystal is very fine and ready to break away from the dish when you tap it and the ds crystal is dark and very very thick and doesnt release from the dish when you tap it or even bang it for that matter has anyone else compared the 2? but the ds does some serious cleaning though


Rick Gelinas

Re: The 411 on Encap-Punch

November 2 2006, 11:10 PM 

Encap-Clean has a more robust polymerization package. In concnetrate the DS dries thick, just as you described. In dilution Encap-Clean has enough substance to encapsulate soil and release from the fiber in post vacuuming.

On the other hand, Encap-Punch forms a more delicate polymeric crystal. It's not as robust as Encap-Clean, even though there's considerably MORE polymer in the formula. Go figure. This is because Punch required so much polymer in the formulation to balance out its solvents/detergent package.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - whats the difference between punch and DS
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