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November 3 2006 at 10:42 AM


Worth Joining? looks like I can get insurance (Health, etc.) thru it...Does anyone have their insurance thru the LMCCA?


PS It mentions on their website that members can be a part of an industry referral program - how does that work?



November 3 2006, 1:36 PM 

interested to know these things myself...thanx for asking Joe :P

you get my message last week?

must be nice, going on vacations, buying new vehicles...what a life...

take care --- Derek.



What a life?!!

November 3 2006, 3:20 PM 

Derek -

Man, If i don't get my act in gear soon, bye bye new van, and no more vacations! LOL All joking aside, things are definitely tight right now, and our "vacation" if you want to call it that! was a 3 hr weekend drive to clearwater - with 3 kids fighting in the minivan...When biz really picks up, i would love to take a REAL vacation (Sans Kids!)

As for the new van, I had to do something because the other one was breaking down, and is rusty - took advantage of GM's 0% financing...3-4 jobs a month pays for it, and now I can drive to my distant jobs w/o breaking down!! It is definitely a Godsend...I got the extended so I can carry my truckmount, vacuums, cimex, OP, Air movers and a slew of chems without transfering everything everytime I got a job...and makes me look a lot more professional going to my residential jobs...

Have a good one, buddy! PS I will try to call you next week...


i know the feeling

November 3 2006, 4:21 PM 

my 1st van from '98 until '04 was an '86 GMC, what i affectionately called, my "1/4 ton". it was a rust bucket. i then got a meager loan in the summer of '04 and picked up a '99 extended 1 ton in like new condition (103k miles lol)...

boy what a difference tho. congrats on the new wheels!

talk soon --- Derek.

Current Topic - LMCCA
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