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Optical Brighteners

November 3 2006 at 9:30 PM

I recently took an IICRC course (CCT) and the instuctor had mentioned that Optical Brighteners are bad for the carpet (I forgot exactly why). If I remember right Releasit contains these brighteners. Are there any side effects or long term problems I should be concerned about?

By the way, they talked about encap in the class, even though its not "offically" a method of carpet cleaning...they even showed your video Rick! I made sure to tell everyone at my table about the great results of encap & Releasit, with out the big HWE machines. (I of course made sure non of them were in my service area, LOL) They didnt seem to beleive me....Their loss!!!!

Bob Forsythe

No Optical Brighteners

November 3 2006, 10:26 PM

Only brighter Rick says in this thread


Rick Gelinas

Re: No Optical Brighteners

November 3 2006, 11:14 PM 

There's absolutely NO optical brighteners in Releasit. Never had'em, never will.

The color will "pop" and the carpet will be brighter. But it's not achieved with optical brighteners.

Rick Gelinas



November 4 2006, 6:28 AM 

I took that course 3 years ago and my instructor had mentioned Encap. It took me another year to get on the bus. My accounts are now 70% encap 30 Hwe. All of my Encap jobs are maint contracts. I tell all of my HWE customers that they should be cleaning their carpet at least once a year. Most wait 1,2 or even 3 years to call. I need the continuous income that Encap brings in. In my opinion Encap is changing this industry. I know I don't want to clean a 30,000 sq ft bld with Hwe. I am not getting any younger.



My mistake!

November 4 2006, 7:08 PM 

How does the formula brighten carpets anyways?

Current Topic - Optical Brighteners
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS