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November 6 2006 at 12:55 PM
Joe Gilstrap 

Does anyone know what is in Releasit that tears up your sinuses and wind pipe when it gets air borne? When I use it with the Cimex there is'nt a problem, but if I use a sprayer or encap furniture me and my partner nearly choke out. I don't want to quit using Releasit because it is one of the best cleaners I have ever used, but I also don't want to have an early demise either.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Releasit

November 6 2006, 4:47 PM 

The detergent can cause some people to cough. The irritation occurs when the detergent is atomized into fine droplets. This can occur with many different types of detergents when they get sprayed. The "soap" part of the formula effects mucous membranes very much the same way hair shampoo stings when you get it into your eyes. We improved this condition somewhat when we modified the detergent about a year ago, however it still bothers some people.

Here's a simple way to correct this condition. It's a good idea to use a coarse spray tip when you spray Releasit or any other detergent. This will prevent the fine droplets from atomizing and becoming airborn. If you'll use a .06 tip or larger, you'll be in good shape.

An inexpensive sprayer that has a perfect spray tip and works really well for detergent is the Roundup sprayer. It sells for about $20 from Home Depot and Lowes. It can't be beat!

Hope this gets you taken care of!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 6, 2006 4:51 PM



Re: Releasit

November 6 2006, 8:36 PM 

yes - roundup sprayer! Works great - I have 2 of them; use it for acid / alky tile cleaning mostly...puts down a course heavy spray.


Current Topic - Releasit
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS