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New Encapsulant Cleaner

November 7 2006 at 12:53 PM
Clint Parnell  

Hello all, I have been doing HWE for 14 years and was finally convinced to try encap. I did my first job with a cimex on Friday and was not very impressed. I found out why today when I cleaned a dirty carpet in a bar. It cleaned up really well. (I think the first place I tried it on was not dirty enough to see a good result.) I do have a couple questions.

1. What do you guy's do about gum, bad grease spots and coffee spots, do you just treat them with a spotter like in a HWE job and encap over, or do most spots just come out?

2. How do you get up to the edges of walls, corners and doorways where the cimex can't fit.

Thank You, Clint


New Man

November 7 2006, 3:05 PM 

Hi Clint,

To get gum up use a citrus gel and cimex over it. To get grease mix a spray bottle withh half ds and half hot water and cimex. Coffee usually comes right up. Just sit the cimex on it for a minute or two with little or no juice then cimex the area using ds. There is not much ds won't take out grease and gum are the toughest.. Good luck and welcome to the club.



Re: New Man

November 7 2006, 4:03 PM 

welcome Clint.

for gum i use a freeze spray which can be bought at any janitorial supply house. i also use GumUp.

for coffee i just clean right over it...same for grease. i rarely need to do "spotting".

buy some Cimex Bonnets.

thanx --- Derek.


Punch it out...

November 7 2006, 7:00 PM 

If there is any oily/greasy stuff on the carpet, I pre-spray with Encap Punch and then go over it with Releasit DS and the Cimex. I just finished a restaurant that was pretty bad and the Chef/owner thinks I created a miracle. We did a swap-out so now my family and I are eating free ($300 worth, after all it took me less than 2 hours) for the next month at the best restaurant in town. Don't you just love America.

Current Topic - New Encapsulant Cleaner
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS