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Rick.. Do you anything about the carpetmax??

November 7 2006 at 3:08 PM

Hey Rick,

I am wondering if you have heard anything on the carpet max by bonnet pro??



Rick Gelinas

Re: Rick.. Do you anything about the carpetmax??

November 7 2006, 4:05 PM 

My brother Dave tested this machine for its manufacturer (Aztec).
You could ask him what he thought of it. I'm gonna stay out of this one

Rick Gelinas


Dave..Do you know anything about the carpetmax??

November 7 2006, 4:48 PM 

Thanks Rick.. I understand. But your comment gave me an indication of what you think. So here goes

Dave.. Do you know anything about the Carpetmax???


David Gelinas

Re: Dave..Do you know anything about the carpetmax??

November 7 2006, 10:10 PM 

Hi Ralph

I can see how it might work out for you if you left it on a very large job like a mall or airport. It simply is not a machine to even begin to transport. Like Rick said I did some testing with it early on, the unit I had had some issues with the speed control box and some of the plumbing kept getting clogged. To a large extent it’s kinda like an automatic scrubber in how it works with the two counter rotating heads. The unit I ran sprayed the solution out in front of the head, which worked okay while you were running in a straight line but it made it difficult along edges and in corners it soaked the baseboard and wall. When I ran it I used the bonnets that they sent with the machine, I can’t see how it would be any different with pads but what happened was there was a stripe down the middle that the bonnets missed. Because of that you had to make at least two passes and some times more to get the carpet to even out in its appearance.
All in all I think it is actually a good idea, having a large battery powered machine for very large areas. But there were several things that still needed to be worked out on that particular machine. And keep in mind with something that big its not extremely portable.
And in case anybody might be of the opinion that I’m ragging on someone else’s machine because of being Rick’s brother, that’s not the case. Well I am Rick’s brother that part is true; but the things I mentioned above are exactly the same things I told Aztec. They sent me the machine and wanted my honest opinion so after running on two different jobs thoughts were the conclusions I came up with.

David Gelinas


Carpet max

November 8 2006, 6:11 AM 


I appreciate your honesty. That machine carries a huge price tag. Transportation would not be a problem. I just picked up a 14ft trailer to load up all my commercial equipment. With the price tag of this machine I think I'll pass. If you hear of any upgrades that will make this work better keep me informed.


Current Topic - Rick.. Do you anything about the carpetmax??
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