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1 Draw back to encapping

November 7 2006 at 8:27 PM

The hotel I encapped in August. The GM finally returned my call.. His reason for not calling and cleaning the carpet every 6 weeks like we agreed,was the carpet still looks clean....   The company before me was steam cleaning every 6 weeks. At the end of 4 weeks the carpets were looking really bad.

12 weeks later the carpets still are looking good. I am afraid customers are not going to clean as often as they should. Now I got to try and convince him he still needs to stay on the 6 week maintence plan...



This message has been edited by Steveretalic on Nov 7, 2006 8:28 PM
This message has been edited by Steveretalic on Nov 7, 2006 8:28 PM


Re: 1 Draw back to encapping

November 8 2006, 5:55 PM 

Yes that has been happening more lately.
Called one client two days ago. His Responce

" I dont know why but the carpet is not that dirty yet you must have
done too good of a job call me in a month or so"

Ok sure. I guess I need to cut down on the ratio of DS in my tank so it looks good when I am done but will resoil at a rate where I can still make money and keep my clients on their schedule


Re: 1 Draw back to encapping

November 8 2006, 9:47 PM 

well, in the long run it will pay off. why?

referrals. and also, your clients will be less tempted to try out someone else services.

i guess since in the past i didn't use methods which had a rapid resoil rate, i am spoiled in that i don't know the difference lol.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: 1 Draw back to encapping

November 10 2006, 12:38 AM 

Remember to tell your customers that it can continue to look that way if they stay on the maintenance program. Try not to let them fall into the habit of calling you when it looks dirty , by them its alot more work to clean it, and the results could suffer.Regular maintenance is the key.
Just my 2 cents worth.


Just let them know

November 12 2006, 8:41 AM 

You are providing them with clean carpet not just carpet cleaning. Perhaps a slightly less expensive spotting trip & some traffic lane touch ups this month and the "Full Monte" next month... Work something out.

Current Topic - 1 Draw back to encapping
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