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Production Rates...

November 17 2006 at 1:15 PM
Mr. I made some nice ca$hola last night!  

How do TMs compete against the production rates of VLM machines? I was OPing (& protecting) for just under $300 an hour last night (2 machines running). 5500 sq ft in well under 4 hours. Prescrubbed the worst areas w/fiber pads & Tuways and ran over everything with cotton (60+ towels)...
Releasit DS & Encap Punch @ 6oz each per gallon cut even the worst areas in no time. Try it. You'll thank me later. As for me I'm thanking Rick. I'm sure my customers would thank you too (but I don't tell them how I "work the magic"!). Thanks for the juice Rick.



Re: Production Rates...

November 17 2006, 3:51 PM 

Yes TMs can do 1375 sqq ft a hour.

21 cents a sq ft is a good price.

I would think it would have taken less time but I did not see the carpet before you started


Re: Production Rates...

November 17 2006, 4:05 PM 

Well the area that was trashed was 2200 sq ft. We went over it 3 times so that is like 6600 sq ft one time. The rest was an additional 3300 sq ft. So let me see some one wand 9900 square feet in under 4 hours,have it look good & be dry before they leave. By the way, you would have had some 400'+ hose runs on this one... No access in the back. Not trying to argue. Just nice to have that kind of earnings potential.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Production Rates...

November 17 2006, 5:20 PM 

Nice going Jeremy, $300 per hour ain't too shabby!
Which ivy league university did you get a degree from?
There are doctors and lawyers that don't make $300 per hour.
Keep up the good work!

Rick Gelinas


Re: Production Rates...

November 17 2006, 9:38 PM 

Yes, Jeremy knows, he used to be a Doctor.


Re: Production Rates...

November 18 2006, 12:35 AM 

lol nice Ray.

glad i ordered more E.C. & Punch today.

today we did our largest account for the 3rd time.

next Thursday we do our largest job evah.

then Friday we do our largest job evah (bigger than Thursday's..).

hope my order is here by Thursday, but with the "hol-i-days", who knows.

gonna try E.C. and Punch mixed 50/50 for the 1st time

with pre-vac'ing i still don't get the production rates some others do. i must clean some messy places lol. that said, i ain't complainiing...still put's bread on the table!

thanx --- Derek.


Re: Production Rates...

November 18 2006, 4:19 AM 

I had the customer vacuum prior to our arrival & had Scott (my helper) vacuum again while I unloaded & filled the machines. By the time I was ready to run, He had enough area done for me to start pre-scrubbing... When he was done with the vacuuming he chased me w/synthetic. I fininshed scrubbing switched to synthetic we met in the middle & switched to cottton. Worked out nice.


Re: Production Rates...

November 18 2006, 8:34 PM 

i guess you used a cimex?


Re: Production Rates...

November 18 2006, 8:42 PM 

17" Brute & a 20" Brute.


yes but

November 25 2006, 11:34 PM 

your production rate may be good but one thing you cappers never account for is the water you use to wash all your pads and the time it took you to do it

what is your $$$$$ per hour after you do that

a few minutes of cleaning the TM and wrapping up the hose and I am done, not possible for the capper, not that there is anything wrong with your method you young whipper snapper

Jeremy, when you finally get a truckmount, please do an area with it and then do another area with the brute

make sure it is a dirty area

say each area is 30 sq ft, flush it with the tm and then pad it, see how many dirty pads you get before you get no dirt transfer

now pad a different 30 sq ft area, pad it until you get no dirt transfer on to the cotton pad, then go wash all the pads

then please tell me about production rates

not that there is anything wrong with your system but compare apples to apples, clean to clean, hard to put down a system that you don't own

I have a cimex, jiggler, TM nothing wrong with any of them, all have their time and place

How many wild things did you kill

Steve Frasier
Drew and Steve's Floor Care

Current Topic - Production Rates...
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS