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Our old forklift finally bit the dust!

November 17 2006 at 6:56 PM

Rick Gelinas  

We've been running a very OLD forklift that I bought off of e-bay for the past couple of years. It was a scary old Yale built back in the 40's or early 50'. It wasn't pretty (in fact it was UGLY) but it got the job done. Our warehouse man (Ray) named it "The Widow Maker". LOL

Well our old forklift finally died yesterday. So this morning I went to a dealer and bought a newer used model from the mid 90's. Our new forklift has moved us about 45 years forward in time - LOL. Forklifts are EXPENSIVE; late model trucks (2000 or newer) sell for 11K-12K or more. We only run our forklift a couple of times a week so a slightly older model works fine for us.

We have a very steep ramp running out of the back of our warehouse. I've frightened a few truck drivers when they saw me blast down the ramp on our scary old forklift. Evil Knievel's got nothing on me. Looks like I won't have anymore amusing forklift stories to tell (like the time I did an end-o and had the back end standing straight up in the air). That was nuts! It's gonna be nice having a safe and solid forklift to work with. Ray sure is happy about it!

Just thought I'd share this bit of company news with y'all.
Have a nice weekend!

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 18, 2006 6:57 AM

Ades Gros

Re: Our old forklift finally bit the dust!

November 18 2006, 7:31 AM 

Yea but now what are you going to do for fun, when you need a good laugh.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Our old forklift finally bit the dust!

November 19 2006, 2:42 PM 

You're right, we did get a few good laughs from that old forklift.

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Our old forklift finally bit the dust!
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