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Cimex Down-Under

November 22 2006 at 9:24 AM
Peter Holt  


It is great to see the interest from Down-Under.

My name is Peter Holt and I am the MD of Truvox International, here in Southampton, UK – producers of the Cimex machines.

I am a regular visitor to both NZ and OZ. In March this year I ran Encap seminars in Auckland, Christchurch, Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Melbourne and Brisbane. The level of knowledge and enthusiasm was very encouraging - you guys know a good thing when you see it and after North America and the UK you are our best market.

I hope to be back in Feb 2007 visiting Auckland, Christchurch, Brisbane, Melbourne and Perth and look forward to meeting with some of you (again) - there were one or two familiar names within the postings.

My own view is, if you can, go for the Cimex 19” machine -the productivity is just so much better.

Rick’s help and inspiration have been of huge help and the rest of it is down to you early adopters.

We have distribution throughout NZ and OZ and our main importers, who can guide you of where to go, are as follows;

New Zealand:
Campbell Proclean (branches in Auckland and Christchurch)
142 Neilson Street
New Zealand

Contact: Graham Hill
00 649 634 0495

Campbell Cleantec
32 Perivale Street
Darra Qld 4076

Contact: Steve Garland

+61 737103113

Best wishes to you all



Re: Cimex Down-Under

November 22 2006, 3:46 PM 

Why don`t you post that on the Oz forum Peter??,might get more of a reply??


This message has been edited by phil_humphrys on Nov 22, 2006 3:47 PM

John Middleton

What about Wellington...?

November 22 2006, 6:39 PM 

Peter, ProClean also have a Wellington branch as this where I collected mine from back earlier this year.

If you are coming out in Feb07 will that mean you won't be at the CLeanNZ show later on?

I remember meeting you at the CleanNZ show in May 05.


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Cimex sales

November 22 2006, 8:11 PM 

Why not call and see Gary & Jim Bethel also David Jones, at Powerclean Industries Australia, in Noosaville, bit over an hours drive from Brisbane.

They sell (arguably) more Cimex machines than all the other retailers combined.

I firmly believe it was through their initiative that the Cimex took off as well as it did down under.

They are also the Australian agent for Releasit sales down under.



Middleton, John

50% OFF

November 23 2006, 6:24 PM 

your next box of Releasit there Shorty


John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Re: Cimex Down-Under

December 12 2006, 5:39 AM 

Would be really like attend your Encap seminars @ brisbane next time. Can you please let us know dates asap... here or on Oz forum.
thanks jason

Current Topic - Cimex Down-Under
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS