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5 Gal buckets??

November 25 2006 at 6:05 PM


I know this has been asked in the past....but Are you going to offer DS in a 5 Gal bucket? Right now I am dumping my solution into 5 gal buckets for my bigger jobs. I have a job tonight 105,000 sq ft. 3 machines 1 hot water bucket guy.. no sleep.


This message has been edited by Remdawg on Nov 25, 2006 6:06 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: 5 Gal buckets??

November 26 2006, 10:04 AM 

Hi Ralph,

We considered 5 gallon buckets but here's the problem... UPS has trouble shipping pails. It's gotta be square (like a box) for them to ship it. Round things (like buckets) roll off their conveyors. They drop and break enough stuff as it is, we don't need to help them any in that department. LOL

Way to go on that 105K sq ft job. ChaChing! I've always enjoyed the challenge of doing a big one.

Oh, and you'll want to have your wife prepared to massage your hip for you. You know. From where your wallet will be exerting extra pressure because it's so dang thick.

Let us know how you made out with the job.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 26, 2006 10:05 AM


Re: 5 Gal buckets??

November 26 2006, 10:28 AM 

here is what you do

Get a few five gallon bucks, if you do not have any go to any barrel place or home depot.

By now you know where you will run out of solution of darn near.
I place 5 gallon buckets along my path of travel. When I get to a bucket I fill up.


They do make 5 gallon cubes,they are a soft and come with a spout and in a box.
My guess would be the added expense is may not be justified



shipping 5 gal pails

November 26 2006, 10:49 AM 

Rick, I buy 5 gal pails of detergent from BaneClene for my truckmount...What they do is put it into a fairly thick cardboard box when they ship it. It would be nice to get DS in a 5 gal pail...It probably would be more cost efficient for all of us!




Rick Gelinas

Re: shipping 5 gal pails

November 26 2006, 12:12 PM 

If we added the cost of a thick box to a 5 gallon pail there wouldn't be any reduction in cost. We requisition single gallon containers in large enough quantities to obtain very good pricing now. If we find a way to provide 5 gallon containers at a cost savings we'll certainly look into it. But so far we haven't seen how it would save money. Plus most folks find that single gallons are more convenient to work with. Thanks for the suggeston though.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Nov 26, 2006 12:13 PM

Ralph Richardson

Job went well

November 27 2006, 7:26 AM 

Hi Rick,

The job went well. I had 4 guys and we worked 10 hours overnight. We were able to do all but 20,000 sq ft. I am going to finish up on Tues night. Me and one other guy. This is a furniture store and we are doing a full cleaning, That means moving around some things. This is where we lose some time. over all I take home some good coin.


Current Topic - 5 Gal buckets??
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