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Tsunami/Steamon demon stair/upholstery tool

November 26 2006 at 1:58 PM

I bought a used tsunami a month ago and love it. It is a knock-off of the SD Classic.

I want to be able to do uph and stairs with it. Is the hand tool that attaches to these machines any good?

It seems like it would take a long time to clean stairs with a 4" tool.

Any alternatives?




Re: Tsunami/Steamon demon stair/upholstery tool

November 26 2006, 2:50 PM 

The tooks that come with the SD are junk in my opinion.

get your self a enclosed jet uph tool or a long handled stair tool, you will just need to change the quick connect


Tom Cullen

Re: Tsunami/Steamon demon stair/upholstery tool

November 27 2006, 2:07 AM 


That's kind of what I thought.

I have a 4" enclosed jet detailer/uph hand tool. But how will it handle the high water flow of the Tsunami?

Another dumb question. I have the window attachment with the hole for a vacuum hose to fit on, but where do you attach the sol hose for doing stairs or uph? Directly to the water hose coming from the faucet, or the male QC on the front of the machine.



P.S. Next step is going to be getting a portable tankless water heater to heat the water from the faucet being fed to the machine. Some commercial jobs have no hot water.

This message has been edited by tcul on Nov 27, 2006 2:08 AM


Re: Tsunami/Steamon demon stair/upholstery tool

November 27 2006, 11:01 AM 

Attach to the quick connect on the front of the machine.

As for heat a little giant propane will work.You just need a whip line from the sink to the heater then attach the feed line from the demon to the heater.
depending on the sized of the heater you may need to get higher heat feed hoses and impeller.


Current Topic - Tsunami/Steamon demon stair/upholstery tool
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