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Your Favorite Types of Commercial Accounts??

November 26 2006 at 5:55 PM
Clay Carson  

What types of accounts have you done that you liked? I'm not talking about the occasional 2 room office that may be smaller than a residential job, but the larger ones.

Offices? Medical? School? Restaurant? Hotel? Retail? Government? Property Management Companies?

How do you market to them? Mailing? Advertising? In person cold calls? Meeting at networking events? Telephone appointments?

For those of you who read the red board, I askified them over thar, too. Only I know that a lot of them dislike commercial work, so I figured the Cimexin' crowd would feel different-like.....

We are re-tooling some of our marketing efforts and want to see what other folks have found successful.



Re: Your Favorite Types of Commercial Accounts??

November 26 2006, 6:29 PM 

Clay, about 50% of our work is light commercial, churchs, Doctor and Denist offices, Daycare centers, commercial offices, Auto Dealerships, etc. The best way to get this business is face to face. Chamber of Commerce would be a good place to start to contact them. Read Ricks info on this, it is some of the best and he doesn't charge for it, What a guy. You won't get that kind of info from Chuck Violand, Howard Partridge or Joe Polish without paying upfront big bucks.


Re: Your Favorite Types of Commercial Accounts??

November 26 2006, 9:40 PM 

Most of our work is commerical.

Day Cares (please stay clear of chilrens world and next generation as I hear a nice family guy with 7 kids takes care of them)
Car Dealers, resturants and medical centers, condos apt complexes, and gyms

We have sent letters post cards and telemarketed to them all, what seemed to clinch the deal with all those methods was a face to face meeting and demo. That and getting refered into the facilities. We go through a property management co for some of facilities also.

Clay Carson

Re: Your Favorite Types of Commercial Accounts??

November 26 2006, 9:58 PM 

Thanks, folks!

mark thomas

i know this is older but...

December 7 2006, 8:33 AM 

those that do day cares... do you typicaly still encap or do you push the "all natural" products? the benifits of VLM would be easy to sell but i'm wondering on the difference between "all natural" and the encap... seems it would be easier to push the all natural aspect to day cares


Wayne Hendrickson

Ricks info

December 14 2006, 10:43 AM 

I am new to this board. Where do I find Rick's info.

Current Topic - Your Favorite Types of Commercial Accounts??
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