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Cleanfax Article

November 27 2006 at 10:26 PM

Greetings Folks,

I have interviewed Mark on tape about this very topic.

No where does he say buy our product.Nor is it allowed.

It is a GENRIC historical overview evolution of Chemistry over the years. Thats all.

Certainly it is not meant to be product specific and say someones chemistry is either good or bad. This is easily clarified by the statement: "test for yourself" ...that I seem to recall in the article. I think we all agree that testing ourselves is key to what we choose to confidently use.

I have not seen Mark or Rick Disagree, they are both great professionals and reputable people. I only see a misunderstanding of intent....

I do have a concern when Rick posts on this board negative inferences about Mark's honorable intentions about a generic chemistry history without going to the source of the information and asking his intent...I Find that out of character for Rick.

PS I think both people and companies ROCK!


Lonnie McDonald



November 28 2006, 7:48 AM 

Mark who?


Re: ?????

November 28 2006, 10:15 AM 

Mark Warner, the person who wrote the Cleanfax article that was commented on a few days ago by its own thread..

David Van Briggle

Re: Cleanfax Article

November 28 2006, 1:23 PM 

As I recall, I asked Rick for his view on this article stating that flourochemicals and fragrance oils cause resoiling and I appreciated his answer.

As to intentions, are we to believe that when suppliers write articles for trade magazines that they have no intention of promoting their business? While Mark does not and cannot mention his product specifically, his position as national sales manager is included at the end of the article. It is not a huge assumption to make that his product does not use flourochemicals or fragrance and is therefore according to his article, superior.

When Joe Polish writes an article on marketing or Lisa Wagner on rug cleaning or Rick on the Cimex are we to believe that they have no promotional benefit in mind. If that was the case, why don't they just sign their article without listing their business name.

I've been reading Cleanfax since 1993. In earlier years there were more articles by seasoned cleaning veterans, and fewer by suppliers. I'm all for them selling their products, I need and use them, but when articles become an infomercial they lack credibility.

I agree that taking responsibility for testing yourself is the only reliable way to analyze a product. I tested 2 of a major chemical suppliers emulsifiers. One was very friable, the other very sticky. However, most cleaners that I have talked to don't test and I think suppliers know this or they wouldn't be selling the inferior products.

This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Nov 28, 2006 1:23 PM


Rick Gelinas

Re: Cleanfax Article

November 28 2006, 3:17 PM 

Here is the post that Lonnie's referring to...

As David mentioned above, I was directly asked for my feedback regarding Mark's article on this message board, so this is the place where I responded to those questions. Was I to sweep those questions under the carpet and not respond? I don't feel that would have been appropriate.

While I respect that Mark is an honorable man with good intentions, the article that appeared in print was not as accurate as it could have been. A couple of the comments that Mark made were in error, such as his statement that the use of fluoro-chemicals "caused a spike in carpet moisture during humid conditions and actually caused heavy re-soiling to occur".

I'm sure that Mark had good intentions when he wrote this article, because I believe that at the core Mark is interested in seeing good things come to our industry. Mark is a proponent of low moisture cleaning, and as the president of the LMCCA, he's in a position to encourage interest in low moisture cleaning. I feel, as a member of the board of directors of the LMCCA, when we present information to the public it should be as factual as possible. Hence it would have been desirable for the article to be written with more preciseness.

Rick Gelinas


Re: Cleanfax Article

November 28 2006, 7:20 PM 


We all have agendas. I know Mark had no agenda as I questioned him other than info. If he got a side benifit as the writer I am cool with that as he took the time to write it. Nothing wrong with that.

As to answering the questions. I have no issue with that other that the negative inferences without contacting the source. If there is inaccurate info Please forward the content in question and the technically supported information to me ASAP.

I apprecaite you all!


David Van Briggle

Technically supported info.

November 28 2006, 11:25 PM 

The Cleanfax article stated that flourochemicals cause resoiling. You ask Rick to provide technical information to support his position. Could you please provide the technically supported information to us that demonstrates that flourochemicals cause resoiling. There must be better proof of that than telling us to feel the pots and pans in our kitchen, the evidence offered in the article.


David VB


Re: Technically supported info.

November 29 2006, 9:56 AM 

I didn't write the article.
You may contact the author at

I am aware that it is true.They do draw moisture from the air. Drawing moisture from the air to a carpet will do what?

In 30+ years I have seen all they chemistrys in work. I found nothing in his article that was incorrect. Email Mark or a chemist and they can give you the specfics.


David Van Briggle

Re: Technically supported info

December 1 2006, 12:49 AM 

Thanks for the email address. I'll post the response I get.

In 25+ years I can't say I've cleaned with every possible chemical, but I have learned not to believe everything that is said. The interesting challenge is to decide who and what you are going to believe. I like that there is always more to learn.


This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Dec 1, 2006 12:51 AM
This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Dec 1, 2006 12:51 AM
This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Dec 1, 2006 12:50 AM
This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Dec 1, 2006 12:50 AM


Re: Technically supported info

December 1 2006, 2:14 AM 

You speak some great wisdom.

If I may, you may only post the responses if the sender gives you the okay...



Current Topic - Cleanfax Article
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