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Post cards are working sort of

December 6 2006 at 6:42 PM
Joe M 

This is how my day went.
Well I am sending out about ten cards a day, targeting dentist in my local area. First cards went out yesterday and today I got a call from a Dr Fami Patel. I had a very hard time understanding her. Again, this bunch of cards are targeted to dentist and say in bold big type about carpet and upholstery cleaning (thats it, nothing else). I had a few hours to kill so I went up to her office to bid. When I get there she has it in her mind that I am going to clean the bathroom, wood trim, sinks, windows and so on, she then tells me she needs me once a week to clean her house which would consist of the oven, dishes (if any in sink), picking up dry cleaning and I think she said something about a camel.
I had to tell her I was carpet and upholstery cleaning only and she could not understand or did not want to. Needless to say I walked away. I just dont get it, how much more clear do I have to make it. Well at least I know that my cards are being read, just not being understood.


No such luck either

December 8 2006, 7:06 PM 

I have been doing mailings for over a year now, approximately 500 or so. Not one single response. Not one! I guess this industry doesnt respond well to mailings for carpet cleanings. Maybe im just not doing it right!!

Joe M

What I have learned

December 8 2006, 11:05 PM 

A post card works when you repeat it over and over again.
You need to get your name in the minds of you customers, sort of like a tv comm.

If they see your name every few weeks or months they will buy.

You need to pick an area and farm it. They do this in real estate. I am doing it and out of only a few cards(30) sent out to a few upper class homes I did get one job. Spent about 15.00 and did a $100.00 job, not to bad.

I am now sending cards to small comm business(Dr's, Dentists) things like that. But I think I am going to stick with res jobs.

This message has been edited by jtmellon on Dec 8, 2006 11:56 PM

Current Topic - Post cards are working sort of
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