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How Big?

December 7 2006 at 4:02 PM


What is the biggest square footage jobs would you go after if you were:

1) Working by yourself
2) Had one 19" cimex?




Re: How Big?

December 7 2006, 5:11 PM 

I am also by myself. I just get the job and make it work. If you need a helper to speed things along then recruit friends, family, or anyone who you can trust. The most I have done so far in 1 day was 16,000 sq. ft. Pre-scrubbing with 17" rotary and rinse with butler. More would be possible with 1 on cimex and another to keep her full.


Jerzy Krol

Most I will and have done

December 7 2006, 5:52 PM 

I have done 8000 sq ft in 8 hours by myself. It was a ball room in a hotel. Now it was not a matinenace cleaning I travled 3 times over that 8000 by myself. The carpet was pretty trashed atleast 3 years since last cleaning. The cimex and ricks juice made it shine like it was suppose to. This all was done with a 19 inch cimex.

This message has been edited by Misteryez on Dec 7, 2006 5:53 PM


Re: Most I will and have done

December 7 2006, 6:24 PM 

hiyas Joe

my wife always helps me on the biggies so i can't help. but from experience i can do about 1000 sq.ft. per hour. this of course is including me pre-vac'ing everything!

so if i wanted to work a long 14 hour day i could do about 14k sq.ft. hope i never have to go solo like that tho...will happen someday no doubt lol :\

gotta give you a call sometime...holler at me to if ya want.

thanx --- Derek.


Re: How Big?

December 8 2006, 7:20 PM 

My biggest job i did (with a friend to vaccuum and get juice) was a 12k ballroom at a holiday inn. 7 hours. 19" cimex, DS

By my self i tried to do 3k of halls in another hotel, took 5hrs. That was the last time that happend! I give my help 10 bucks an hour under the table, just to vacuum, cant beat that, plus I cut my time in more than half!

Current Topic - How Big?
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