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Challenger accessories

December 12 2006 at 10:06 PM

Are they available through this website? I was looking for that holy glider and maybe some velcro and a different driver...

Also, I know i asked this before, but maybe I worded it wrong...when i fill up my pump sprayer, i try to put the juice in last, to avoid too many suds. Problem is sometimes i still have a quarter or so full of mix and when i add water it foams like crazy. My question is this: how much juice am i loosing to suds. I have to dump them in the sink to fit more water in...should i just toss the old mix and start over? even then the residual juice still foams. Does it matter if i loose the suds? should i add more juice to make up for it?

This message has been edited by DDcarpclean on Dec 12, 2006 10:11 PM


Add Solution/ No Foam Method

December 13 2006, 8:08 AM 

Buy a large funnel at Lowe's and a piece of clear plastic tubing to put over the tip of the funnel. Have the plastic tube (1/2" or 5/8") just long enough to reach the bottom of your sprayer. Fill the sprayer with water first and then add the chems thru the funnel. They will be added to the bottom and guess what? No foaming. You can do this when filling quart spotting bottles also. Now go and have a good day.

Bob Forsythe

Re: Challenger accessories

December 13 2006, 11:01 AM 

Here's what I do...

I have a 3 gallon Rubbermaid bucket (red). I put the amount of water I am using into the bucket. I pour the amount of DS required for the job into a measuring cup and dump the DS into the bucket and stir with a wooden paint stirrer. Foam is never a problem, just don't splash the solution around while you are stirring. Also, if you use a bucket heater, you can add the solution and stir with the bucket heater (unplugged) before removing it. Then dump the solution slowly into the tank or sprayer. Hope this helps!




December 13 2006, 3:56 PM 

Thanks a bunch! im going to get a funnel and some hose today!

Jim England


December 13 2006, 5:10 PM 

Rambo, I must admit you do have some good ideas for fixing problems, must be that longevity thing.

Jim E


Rick Gelinas

Re: Suds

December 13 2006, 5:38 PM 


Any accessories that you need for your Challenger can be purchased from Excellent Supply. Just give us a call and tell us what you want.

Ray is always good for an idea. A sharp feller indeed!

Rick Gelinas



December 13 2006, 8:55 PM 

Be nice to me guys, after all I was your age once, but you have never been my age.


Re: Remember....

December 13 2006, 9:32 PM 

just don't turn the water on on FULL BORE and : no suds.

simple for me.

try and invest in a Multisprayer...lose the pump-up

i like the one that re-charges in the cancer-stick lighter.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Challenger accessories
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