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Spotting pricing???

December 17 2006 at 12:10 AM
Mark Anthony 

I took a class at a janitorial supply on spotting and misplaced my certificate in a moving from a house to another. There are different people that come in and do a class and the owner does not remember his name. He worked for Pro Choice and he had a spotting business outside of being a rep for Pro. Does anyone know his name?

The real question is this: How much are you all charging just for spotting jobs? I just got in the Yellow Book USA and have been getting calls for spotting and people think it is to expensive and don't use me. I already paid 95% of the add in two cleaning of carpet in the last two weeks.

So tell me how much are you charging?

Sorry for long write.

Thanx :~}

Afterglow Carpet Care



December 17 2006, 8:41 PM 

Mark, We don't charge for spotting. I don't like getting into a peeing contest over how many spots we cleaned. We have a minimum service call, $89.95 (we will clean up to 200 square feet for this amount) If they just want the spots cleaned in two rooms, or the whole house, we measure the areas and charge accordingly. I am talking about spots here, not stains. Spots are on top of the fiber and can be removed, stains on the other hand are, something that has removed the color from the fiber,(like bleach) or has penetrated the fiber and changed the color of the fiber, like plant food spilled on the carpet. Stains are permanent and cannot be removed, and that is what we have been telling our customers for 19 years. I do not waste time trying to remove or dye them. I have tried a lot of them starting with Kool-Off (one of the first ones made by Harvard Chemical Research in Atlanta, and was their only product for over a year) I have a wallpaper steamer and a lot of chems from ProChoice, Larry Cobb and others and my take on this is that you are never going to remove all of them, you are not going to be paid enough for your time and the risk you take trying to remove them. I have never to my knowledge lost a job because of not trying to remove STAINS.

Stan Kowalski

Ray is correct

December 18 2006, 11:39 AM 

and well worth listening to.

Current Topic - Spotting pricing???
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