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Wobbly 'Mex;

December 18 2006 at 1:34 AM

Recently my 'Big Yella' has got the wobbles.

Looking over the solution tank and lining up the motor housing with the solution tank, it appears to be rising & lowering.

Holding the machine running in the one spot, shows the solution surging, creating small waves, front to back, in the tank.

It also tends to now pull to the right.

Recently, one of my pad holders came adrift, as it has sticky on the back I simply pushed the two halves together again.

During transport, the head (motor & drive plate) of the machine, is kept held upright with a bungee strap, so there is no possible way any shaft could be bent.

Has anyone else had this problem ??

If so, what causes it and how have you rectified it ??



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Re: Wobbly 'Mex;

December 18 2006, 12:50 PM 

I have seen where a clogged nozzle can keep solution from getting to the pad driver , thus creating a "pulling" effect. Make sure you are cleaning the machine s dispensing system regularly. Also make sure your pads are the same thickness. Thinner or thicker pads than the others can create the "wobbling" effect.


Rick Gelinas

Re: Wobbly 'Mex;

December 18 2006, 1:44 PM 

What Craig said is correct. Wobbling can occur when there's an uneven flow to the heads. Running with clean plumbing makes a world of improvement in all areas of operation.

Another thing that could be a factor is perhaps your drivers are starting to get beat. If their thickness is varying (even slightly), this could cause a wobbling problem.

You'll also notice that as your Mex gets older, you'll likely observe that it will get a little sloppier. Like any piece of equipment, they'll creak and groan and wobble a bit as you rack up the hours on them. (Kind of like us) I have a very old Mex, with literally millions of square feet of carpet cleaning on it, and it runs sloppy, but it still runs.

Hey, here's an idea...
We sell new Cimex packages in the US for $2500 with a free case of Releasit DS. That's enough detergent to clean approx 39,000 sq ft. If you were cleaning at just .10 per sq ft, you'd generate $3900 with that first FREE case of detergent. So you could say the machine is free, and you'll make $1400 profit right off the bat. Bottom line, it gets to a point where it may be time to put an aging machine onto E-Bay and replace it with a fresh unit. Give Gary a call and tell him to give you a deal

Rick Gelinas

Middleton, John

Re: Wobbly 'Mex;

December 18 2006, 2:11 PM 

Shorty, have you tried a breathaliser test before driving the Mex?



John Middleton
Carpet Pro Ltd
Palmerston North
New Zealand


Re: Wobbly 'Mex;

December 18 2006, 2:37 PM 



Re: Wobbly 'Mex;

December 18 2006, 2:54 PM 

All solution lines are clear, however I did replace the pads recently and noticed one was slightly thinner than the other two.

As I was working on a heavily sculptured carpet that day, I presumed it was the carpet design pulling the 'Mex;

Just shows to go ya---------------never presume

New pads today.

Same size.

As for those other two that continually laugh at my expense, I shall see that JM is ex-communicated and his passport is stamped "persona non gratia"

Try getting back over the ditch then matey

& Derek, hmmmm, you'll just have to wait & see what your punishment will be, people that know me, know that I only ever drink on a day that ends with Y.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


It werked

December 19 2006, 5:52 AM 

First job today, changed pads, difference was incredible.

So now I know, if my 'Mex; wanders, change her pads.

Strange thing was that all three original pads came from the same box, so did the replacements, all from the same box.

There would only have been 1/8th of an inch difference in thickness, maximum.

Thanks for the help.


I've seen the light, and changed my ways.


Rick Gelinas

Re: It werked

December 20 2006, 4:00 PM 

Glad to hear you got it sorted out Shorty

Rick Gelinas

Current Topic - Wobbly 'Mex;
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS