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Had to Reschedule Some Jobs

December 21 2006 at 7:17 PM
Richard Brooks 

We had a little snow yesterday and last night. Took a few pictures if your interested. Just follow the link.

Rick, I'm moving to Florida if all of my clients agree to come with me. Have to shovel a little more snow first.


I feel your pain

December 21 2006, 7:29 PM 

Richard, thanks for the pictures. I remember that well as I grew up in western Pennsylvania but have been living in the Atlanta area for over 40 years. We who live in the South need to Thankful that we don't have to deal with this in the winter months. Your wife looked like she was ready to go back inside now.


Rick Gelinas


December 21 2006, 8:49 PM 

What a huge pain the rear end!!!


Rick Gelinas

David Gelinas

Re: Yikes!

December 21 2006, 9:13 PM 

You are a mean mean man Rick. At least I only thought about mentioning our warm weather here. You went and posted it. Of course I probably couldn't figure out how to post that but that's not what wer're talking about. What was it we were talking about; man I can't even hear myself think, let me turn down this AC. Ok That's better.

Man is it hot out.

David Gelinas


Re: I feel your pain

December 23 2006, 4:49 PM 

Hi Ray,

What town in western Pa. do you hail from?


Been there

December 21 2006, 10:49 PM 

Richard I grew up in Maine and lived in Colo for a couple years. Sure don't miss trying to get around in that stuff good luck!!

Joe M

Buy a snow blower

December 21 2006, 11:01 PM 

Buy a snow blower.

I just bought one in Oct and I bet you we will not get any snow.

That always seems to work.


Re: Buy a snow blower

December 22 2006, 11:12 AM 

I'm shoveling snow this morning myself, in fact I have work all weekend, fortunately the job isn't too far , so I'll miss all the Californian's who moved up here to Idaho ,who don't know how to drive in snow , they think they are still on 6 lane freeways.Rick, Dave need any help through the winter?

Kevin Jones

Ha! I used to want

December 23 2006, 7:22 AM 

to live where it's cold, but two things changed that. One was being in Chicago at 16 degrees recently. The one that really did it though was about 4 or 5 years ago when we had several nights in row with temps in the teens. I had two heaters in my van with my truckmount (no garage at the time) and the sucker still froze. $975 later, I decided it was better to be where it's warm!

Current Topic - Had to Reschedule Some Jobs
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