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Best Equipment for a VLMer, IMHO

December 27 2006 at 9:01 PM

19" Cimex (by far the biggest moneymaker in my arsnal) CRB 15 and 20", 2sp 175/320 17" bonnet machine, 18" Hoover Conquest with anti-filtration bag (no dust cups/ way too much leakage and a good cannister vac(I use the Miele) a 3 gallon spotter and a HWE portable, 10 gal.(like a Ninja) w/o heat, you can drop a bucket heater in the solution tank and have it boiling (212 at the machine and 200 degrees ATW) I also use this with my Water Claw for small WD jobs or flushing pet urine. 2 or 3 air movers, a dehumidifier and eventually I would add a Steamin Demon,only machine recommended by the largest carpet mill in the U.S., Shaw. I would not recommend a truckmount, too expensive for a good one, too costly to run, too much maintenance, too much depreciation and where are you going to dump all that waste water? I have owned a Butler, a Prochem, four Bane units and a Hurricane, I have a few stories about them to tell.


Re: Best Equipment for a VLMer, IMHO

December 27 2006, 11:11 PM 

i am biased and agree.

hope to add some items from your list to my van next year.

thanx --- Derek.

David Van Briggle

Re: Best Equipment for a VLMer, IMHO

December 28 2006, 12:03 AM 

Looks like a good list.

I have a different view on the truckmount when it comes to residential. I've been through 4 Powermatics & 1 White Magic Commander HO. I also got frustrated with the maintenance issues and tried VLM. We have used a Cimex, 2 speed rotaries, OP, CRB, and combinations of all. During this time we did not own a truckmount. We had the Ninja and Water Claw. While all these methods do clean, to us, they didn't compare to the TM. Plus we experienced some tip issues with OP.

We also tried the Steamin Demon. Water pressure, especially in a home is unpredictable and the exhausting of the humid air in the home was unacceptable to us. It's also awkward.

As to the expense of the TM, is it out of balance to spend $5-600.00 a month running a machine that can generate $12-20,000.00 per month? You have to operate a truck either way (though a 1 ton costs more) and when you add up the cost of a Cimex, floor machines, CRBs, portables and a Steamin demon, there's some good money in them too. I think the bigger issue is will you be able to bring in the business? That 600.00 is only a small job a week.

Maintenance is an issue. I have had to reconcile myself to that. I avoided the depreciation issue this time by finding and buying a low hour used unit. I also have an APO for the waste water issue.

I love my Cimexs, GLS and rotary machines for commercial, but as hard as I tried, I just couldn't get comfortable doing residential work with VLM only.

This is not intended to criticize others who rely on VLM. Its just my experience for what its worth. Time for less experimenting and more selling.

This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Dec 28, 2006 12:14 AM
This message has been edited by David_VanBriggle on Dec 28, 2006 12:11 AM


Re: Best Equipment for a VLMer, IMHO

December 28 2006, 8:40 AM 

Davids post "It's just my experience for what it is worth" is worth a lot to this board and was very well stated. We all learn from post like that. Just giving all of us YOUR experiences. That is the kind of dialog I'd like to see more of, Thanks David. You have made some excellent points about the cost of equipment, one was and I never considered was the total cost of my VLM equipment. I have approx. $13000.00 in VLM equipment. I did not count the Ninja or 3 gal extractor as I do not consider them VLM equipment. You can still buy a good truck mount for that. So that was a very good point.


Re: Best Equipment for a VLMer, IMHO

December 28 2006, 11:29 AM 

by and large i would use a Steamin D. for commercial. David, is the moisture a problem in a commercial office?

thanx --- Derek.

Tim Visser

Re: Best Equipment for a VLMer, IMHO

December 28 2006, 3:54 PM 

THe foam alone with the steamin demon made it real hard to deal with(yes I was using a defoamer in fact I was pouring it in straight), way harder than any TM. and it's hard to get good and hot water.


VLM ??? Steamin Demon ???

December 28 2006, 8:41 PM 

I can't really see a Steamin Demon being promoted as a VLM (Very Low Moisture) piece of equipment.

Especially when their USP is the high amount of water that it flushes the carpet with.

What I have found with potty's and t/m's, is that when doing commercial work, after you're finished the building is closed up very tight, no air con; or fans on.

Where does the moisture in the carpet go ??

And the odor ??

For commercial work, I still prefer my 'Mex; for carpets, and my old, very old, VS-!! upholstery foam machine.

Yesterday I did $380.00 worth of upholstery in a cardiologist's office in about an hour.

Not to shabby for an old bloke.

I also had $320.00 worth of carpet to do there cgd olefin.

Only a few minutes into the carpet, and one of my drivers decided to drift apart.

As it is, the previous cleaners have loaded up the carpet with detergent, so I'm heading off now armed with my portable and accessories.

My gear is slightly different to what most use.

Portable is auto fill, 350psi & two vacs;

I also have a vac; booster box AFTER the machine, with another two vacs; inside.

I have what is called a "GULPA" that collects the waste BEFORE it get's to the porty;.

This is basically a submersable pump that pumps the waste direct to a sewer point.

This will all be hooked up to my old (very) old, slow speed RX-20.

I like the slow speed model with it's inspection plate that allows me to see the waste water coming out of the carpet.

Won't be as quick as the 'Mex; but the carpet will be flushed without adding detergent.

I will also take a couple of fans with me to move around as I complete an area.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

This message has been edited by Shortwun on Dec 28, 2006 8:44 PM

Current Topic - Best Equipment for a VLMer, IMHO
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