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A question for Ricky Cimex

December 28 2006 at 5:02 PM
Danny Strickland  

i notice on your releasit web site that the Cimex and fiber plus pads were tested on carpet and passed, proving no damage to the fibers. was this done with or without soils and oils in the carpet like we find in our daily accounts?

just woundering because when i flip my pads i can always knock a ton of soil out of the pads.


Rick Gelinas

Re: A question for Ricky Cimex

December 29 2006, 6:57 AM 

I don't know for certain Danny. But what I do know is that the testing performed at Professional Testing Laboratory employs standards mandated by the CRI. My understanding is that their test protocols attempt to evaluate wear that would be experienced in a "normal" cleaning environment, as realistically as possible.

Here's the test results...

Passed: Making 22 total passes with a Cimex using FiberPlus pads and Releasit.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Dec 29, 2006 7:00 AM


Rick Gelinas

Re: A question for Ricky Cimex

December 29 2006, 7:13 AM 

"just woundering because when i flip my pads i can always knock a ton of soil out of the pads"

...What kind of vacuum cleaner are you using? You really shouldn't see a "ton" of soil. A small amount of debris may be present, but there shouldn't be a lot of debris in the pad if the carpet gets a good vacuuming prior to cleaning.

Maybe it's time to consider a Lindhaus...

Or perhaps an X-Vac Pile Lifter...

Give us a call if you'd like information on either of these units.
Dry soil recovery is a challenge with most commercial glue down carpets, because the pile is so condensed and the dirt gets compacted down to the base of the fiber. We just became dealers for the X-Vac Pile Lifters by Kleenrite; it's the best pile lifter on the market. And Lindhaus makes a superb commercial vacuum cleaner too.

Rick Gelinas

Danny Strickland

Re: A question for Ricky Cimex

December 29 2006, 10:15 AM 

we use a 28" NSS Super Suction Pacer wide area vac. the staff hardly ever uses the WAV's so when we clean we have to pre and post vac.


Re: A question for Ricky Cimex

December 30 2006, 12:51 AM 

nice to hear you sell those Xvac's Rick...those look mint.

i like my Kleenrite Sphere, they make some great products.

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - A question for Ricky Cimex
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS