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Business changes

December 31 2006 at 4:11 PM

Joe DeSouza  

This is the year I'm going to do a lot more commercial...after 2-1/2 yrs in biz, I found that commercial accounts pay better, and are easier to do, in general. So...for residential I just want to target High end homes, drop the low paying, cheap customers that only want a one - time cleaning, and for commercial go for bigger accounts with my cimex. I love the idea of driving to one location and spending 8-10 hrs on one big commercial job that zipping back and forth between homes and getting burned out.

I don't want to drop off the residential side of it altogether, just flip it around to 70% commercial and 30% high end residential...

Any advice from you guys that have done this (converting from resi to commercial)will be appreciated. Being fairly new in business, relitively speaking, I need a little "Hand Holding" thru this!


Happy New Year and God Bless!


This message has been edited by jodyzuza on Dec 31, 2006 4:12 PM

Tracy Walker

Re: Business changes

January 1 2007, 9:38 AM 

This is the year I'm going to do a lot more commercial...after 2-1/2 yrs in biz, I found that commercial accounts pay better, and are easier to do, in general. So...for residential I just want to target High end homes, drop the low paying, cheap customers that only want a one - time cleaning, and for commercial go for bigger accounts with my cimex. I love the idea of driving to one location and spending 8-10 hrs on one big commercial job that zipping back and forth between homes and getting burned out.

I don't want to drop off the residential side of it altogether, just flip it around to 70% commercial and 30% high end residential...

Any advice from you guys that have done this (converting from resi to commercial)will be appreciated. Being fairly new in business, relitively speaking, I need a little "Hand Holding" thru this!


Happy New Year and God Bless!

Tracy Walker


P.S. I could not of stated this better myself so I just cut and pasted yours! I was doing my 2007 goals the other night and they fit yours almost exactly. It almost hurts your feelings when you can make as much a couple nights a week pushing the Cimex as you can doing a weeks worth of Residentials. I love commercial!


Re: Business changes

January 1 2007, 12:09 PM 

glad for you Joe!

sounds like the best CC'ing decision you've made thus far. keep us posted this year on how it's working for ya.

take care --- Derek.

Current Topic - Business changes
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS