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Wet pass

January 4 2007 at 11:38 PM
Wayne L Hendrickson  

How do I tell if I am getting enough/too much juice on the carpet? Sometimes it seems lke I am nt getting enough and other tiles I have it spraying it out from underneath the Cimex


Wet pass

January 5 2007, 6:58 AM 

You should always have a nice white foam over your wet pass. You should see what you just went over in order ro make a dry pass. It is almost impossible to use to much. I had a helper a few weeks ago who spilled a 5 gal bucket of Ds on a commercial job. All I did was spread it out as far as I could with the cimex and then used a blower to get the carpet dry. It was clean and looked like he never spilled a drop.



Rick Gelinas

Re: Wet pass

January 5 2007, 8:22 AM 

On your first pass (wet pass) you normally should be walking at a good pace. Hold the valve wide open and walk at a moderately brisk pace. Don't expect to see much, if any, foam on the wet pass. [This pass can be considered the pre-treatment and pre-agitation step.]

On your return pass (dry pass) you want to move the machine much slower. You can tap the trigger gently every other step or so to feather out just a bit more juice so that you keep the pads lubed up. On your dry pass you want to see a nice, even, light, whitening of the surface. If it starts to spit out wads of foam, you'll need to use a little less solution, or you can move the machine a little quicker. And if you don't see an even whitening of the surface, simply tap the trigger a little more to use more juice, or slow down a little as you work the machine across the carpet. [This pass is your cleaning pass.]

There are variations of methods for running the Cimex, but this approach will cover the bulk of what you'll encounter. And it can serve as a good rule of thumb to go by.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 5, 2007 8:31 AM


How far...

January 6 2007, 5:05 PM 

can you go before executing the clean pass? I have used the Challenger to do encaping and almost never see foam, I spray it down one small section at a time, and make several passes. I know it must vary, but I'm just curious on avg. how fast the DS might dry up or evaporate.


Rick Gelinas

Re: How far...

January 7 2007, 1:36 PM 

You can go as far as you'd like with the "wet pass". We will often walk the entire length of a building making our "wet pass". It's on the "dry pass" that we finish off the cleaning as we regulate the correct amount of solution flow to the carpet.

Rick Gelinas

Wayne L Hendrickson


January 9 2007, 3:48 PM 

I did a small job last night and used more than was necessary. I have been trying to get a light layer of foam on the wet pass. ZAny thooughts on the time delay before you see any foam?

Current Topic - Wet pass
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