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Add Stone Repair and Restoration

January 5 2007 at 7:39 AM
Fred Hueston  


Fred Hueston's Stone Seminars coming to NJ

Stone Repair and Restoration Seminars in NJ
Jan 02, 2007

For Immediate Release

New Jersey Stone Repair and Restoration Seminars announced for 2007

Oakland, NJ. Fred Hueston announced today that he will be conducting the following seminars at Alpha Professional Tools this year.

" I am thrilled to be coming back to the North East to conduct these popular seminars." Says Mr. Hueston. Mr Hueston's seminars emphasis hands on and are taught without a sales pitch.

Basic Stone Restoration Seminars

Feb 20-21: June 12-13: August 14-15: Oct 9- 10

Advanced Stone Floor and Countertop Restoration

Feb 22-23 : June 14-15: August 16-17: Oct 11-12

Cost for each seminar is $995.00 per person.

For Further information contact Mr. Hueston directly at

Stone Fabrication Seminars available. call for details

Fred Hueston
phone: 828-301-9796 Fred Hueston


Rick Gelinas

Re: Add Stone Repair and Restoration

January 5 2007, 8:24 AM 

Hi Fred,

Welcome to the EncapBoard! It's nice to see you hear.

A number of our Cimex users service stone as well as carpet care with their Cimex machines. So I'd like to invite you to share your input on stone with the audience here whenever you get the chance.


Rick Gelinas


A Thousand Dollars for Two Days!

January 5 2007, 6:34 PM 

I think I would go help David Gelanis for a several days (free labor for him) and I would be ahead of the learning curve.


Working with Dave

January 5 2007, 8:51 PM 

Don't plan on any breaks when you work with Dave!! And for god sakes don't ask for a drink of water.


Re: Working with Dave

January 5 2007, 9:32 PM 

MB would also be a great place to start.

David Gelinas

Re: Working with Dave

January 8 2007, 10:01 PM 

Now you guys just aren’t playing nice. I have no problem with people stopping for water at the end of the day, that would be unfair and unkind if I didn’t let them have something to drink at the end of the day.

You guys make me sound like a slave driver.

Actually, in all seriousness there is more to come on this very topic shortly. Everyone stay tuned and I’ll give you the details as soon as possible.

David Gelinas



January 9 2007, 6:49 PM 

But I got to say the dinner at the end was OUTSTANDING worth a weeks pay!!

David Gelinas

Re: Dinner

January 9 2007, 9:20 PM 

Rick, I’m glad you liked it.

All kidding aside, I really enjoyed spending those few days with you on that travertine job as well as the time you spent with us on that concrete job in Atlanta. You’re a sharp guy with a very good head for business. Keep in touch.

David Gelinas

Current Topic - Add Stone Repair and Restoration
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