We receive many questions about Encap-Punch, so here's an overview that should explain the benefits of Encap-Punch.
If you are interested in learning how Encap-Punch can help your business, read on...
CRI Approval:
To begin our Encap-Punch discussion, I'm pleased to say that it has the CRI Seal of Approval. We're proud of that, since many products never qualify for this seal. Some have asked why Encap-Clean doesn't have the CRI seal? It's because the CRI is not testing shampoo type products at this time. They're only testing Pre-Sprays, In-tank HWE Detergents, and Spotters. There has been some discussion that encap products may be tested when they begin to test "system/method" cleaning at some point in the future.
Encap-Punch has been formulated with a potent blend of surfactants and solvents. Its cleaning power is among the best in the industry. But what makes the product stand out is its balance with the Crystalon3 polymer. Encap-Punch is a strong cleaner built on a solid encap platform. It also contains our Soileze fluoro-protector.
Marketing Encap-Punch to YOUR customers:
How many times have you heard a customer say they heard they should wait as long as possible to clean their new carpet because they heard it will resoil rapidly after it gets cleaned the first time. Overcome their objection by agreeing with them! Explain that the role of a detergent is to attract soil. So naturally if ANY detergent is left in the carpet, resoiling WILL occur. Now the truth is that it's impossible to remove every last trace of detergent from the carpet with any cleaning system. However... the cleaning agent you're now using contains a special crystallizing polymer that will leave any remaining residue inert. There's no way that soil can be attracted since the cleaner dries to a brittle crystal that has no sticky properties. And then regular routine vacuuming will pull whatever residue may be left in the carpet, so there's no possibility that the carpet can attract soil. The carpet will be cleaner right off the bat, and it will stay clean longer than could otherwise be accomplished using a traditional cleaning agent. Plus your cleaner has a built-in protector that adds to the soil resistance. This should represent a strong marketing approach to your customers!
What to use Encap-Punch for:
1. Pre-Spray: Encap-Punch is a highly effective low-foam pre-spray. Encap-Punch's detergent/solvent blend emulsifies all types of soil including oil-based soil. Its cleaning power is capable of tackling just about any task. And it has the added benefit of the Crystalon3 encapsulating polymer and Soileze fluoro-protector.
2. HWE Rinse Detergent: Encap-Punch is an effective low-foam HWE rinse detergent. And it brings the added benefit of imparting encapsulation cleaning to the carpet. So you're essentially cleaning with 2 methods at the same time... HWE and encapsulation.
3. Bonnet/Pad Cleaning: Encap-Punch can also be used an extremely effective low-foam bonnet cleaner. The same cleaning power that makes it a great pre-spray makes it a superior bonnet/pad cleaner. And like HWE cleaning, you're cleaning with 2 methods... Bonnet/Pad and encapsulation at the same time.
4. Brush/Pad Cleaning: Although Encap-Punch was not initially formulated with this method in mind we're finding that it can also be used for Brush/Pad shampoo type cleaning. Normally you would want to use a product like Encap-Clean for shampoo type cleaning since it imparts a light foaming layer to the surface of the carpet as your cleaning that helps you see how much product you're applying. This is VERY helpful. However if you mix Encap-Punch about 50% stronger than normal, it will produce a little bit of foam that can serve as a visual guide.
Per Gallon Dilutions
Light Soil = 8 oz 1:16
Medium Soil = 10 oz 1:12
Heavy Soil = 12 oz 1:10
Dilution Truckmount: 1 quart per 5 gallons of stock solution.
Dilution Portable: 2-4 ounces per 5 gallons.
Dilution 8 oz per gallon.
Can we make Encap-Punch into a Double Strength product:
No we can't. We tried it and it won't work. We have too much polymer in Encap-Punch to allow that. The high level of polymer used in Encap-Punch will not stay in suspension at a "double strength" concentration and the formula turns to glop.
We're proud of Encap-Punch:
We worked for several months formulating this product. It was the most daunting formula in our line to develop. You see it's next to impossible to get a product to crystallize when there is so much solvent and stronger detergents present in the formula. Well after several months of failed batches, we finally hit upon success and Encap-Punch was born. With its complex formula we believe it to be a product unlike any other in the industry (including other so-called encap HWE products). And the feedback we're getting from our customers indicates that this is the case, Encap-Punch is a winner!
So there you have it... the 411 on Encap-Punch.
Rick Gelinas