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January 16 2007 at 7:18 AM

Hi, Shorty

I know that a while back you purchased a Rug Badger. Have you used it much? Do you like the machine? I have been looking at this machine for a while now and am looking for some feedback.





January 16 2007, 4:37 PM 

Hi Ralph,
yep, I do use it a fair bit.

It has made a big difference to the cleanliness of the rugs, I now get out most, if not all, of the dry garbage before cleaning.

I also purchased a rug rack to use with mine, although depending on the fibre, I do not use it all the time.

The 'Badger really does get out more than you would ever imagine, and a darn sight more than a vacuum cleaner ever could.

This, and the Cimex, are actually steering my business in a different direction now...........More cash in the claw for less labor and gas costs.

A site to look at for very good info is this.........

Although run by Steve (Dusty) Roberts, the guy that sells the machine, it has the cream of the rug cleaners posting, (those that wish to post, that is).

You will find a lot of good unbiased information there, as well as photo's of different rugs, plants, etc;

One thing I make a point of doing is, after I Rugbadger a rug, I sweep up all the garbage that has come out of it, put it in a clear plastic bag with the clients name and the rug name on it, then take it back with the rug.

The comments from the client often give me a leg in the door for extra work.



I've seen the light, and changed my ways.

Current Topic - Shorty????
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