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Sprint or Pile Master ??

January 16 2007 at 2:11 PM
The Servant  

My ordinary rotary,its better than nothing. but it doesn't scrubb all sides of fibers. Many carpets i encounter, certain areas are matted,after cleaning its still matted. I want to piont out the contrast to the customer in such areas. Until i grow in my business I don't have the luxury of targeting a certain market such as commercial, I must tackle anything that comes my way. So, since i can't afford a cimex, which piece of equipment is most cost effective for my circumstance? Speaking in terms of durability, effective cleaning results, versatility. I looked at the web-site but i desire your real world experiences before i make the move.

P.S. Pretty soon i'll be able to offer up some gifts to the baord in return!

Your Servant


Rick Gelinas

Re: Sprint or Pile Master ??

January 16 2007, 2:27 PM 

Hey Servant,

Stick with your rotary till you get some customer flow. No sense spending money if you don't have the business to feed it.

The PileMaster and the Sprint each have their strong points.

The Sprint is light and nimble. It's a breeze to work with. I keep a Sprint at my house to keep our carpet and ceramic tile clean whenever it's needed. It's a very handy machine, suitable for a wide range of floor surfaces.

The PileMaster is a great machine. They're a bit pricey but they are nice machines. They're slightly stouter than the Sprint and they can dig into the carpet a little deeper. I like the dry soil recovery hopper feature too --- kind of makes the PileMaster double as a Pile Lifter.

Both machines are quite good. Either one would serve you well. But as I said above, you probably should wait till your business is humming along to the point it can support an expenditure.

If I can help you in any way let me know.

Rick Gelinas

This message has been edited by cimex on Jan 16, 2007 2:29 PM


Re: Sprint or Pile Master ??

January 16 2007, 2:35 PM 

Try making small figure 8s with your rotary. Not quite as effecient but it works well.

Current Topic - Sprint or Pile Master ??
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