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Caused a Prob For Cust

January 21 2007 at 11:30 AM

One of my customers that I do the patient areas cleaning and in House does the staff areas asked me during on of our inspections "hey let me show you this area do you think you can do anything with it" I said sure, it was a Staff entrance way that had leaked water two BIG Water Browning Lines and then spills in other areas of the carpet. The in house staff had tried to clean it several times but as soon as it dried the stains were right back. Probably only 100 sq ft. I used the Challenger, with Punch and the Citrus Acid "Patiented Gelenas Trick",cleaned with Fiber Plus and for good measure did a post bonnet. 3 days later I called and told the Customer I was coming back to inspect it. He met me there and it looked BRAND NEW his quote was I am very impressed. But I've now got a big problem it seems that just before he asked me to do it he had called his carpet supplier about replacing it as he thought I just would get it looking a little better. He had called them back saying forget it but they had jumped on it and had the carpet. He said no way am I going to replace this so I might just have to pay him for the carpet.
Oh yeah I measured the rest of the staff areas to be added to our quarterly cleaning. Yahoooo


Rick Gelinas

Re: Caused a Prob For Cust

January 21 2007, 4:59 PM 

Pay for the carpet? That's too funny.

Hey Rick thanks for sharing that story!

Nice to hear of your continued SUCCE$$

Rick Gelinas

Ades Gros

Re: Caused a Prob For Cust

January 22 2007, 12:45 PM 

Great job Rick, yep adding the acid rinse sure does a number on water marks



January 23 2007, 5:35 PM 

It's not Citrus acid it's Citric Acid my brain engages occasionally

Current Topic - Caused a Prob For Cust
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