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Nov. 17th 2002 @6:33pm

January 23 2007 at 2:58 PM

That is when the board we are now using came on line and the Greenhorn Carpet Commando (now known as "Greenie") was the first to post. FYI

Richard Brooks

Re: Nov. 17th 2002 @6:33pm

January 23 2007, 3:17 PM 

I didn't have the privilege of knowing about this board or Excellent Supply at that time. I am however privileged to be here now. Thanks everyone, for all of your help.


Re: Nov. 17th 2002 @6:33pm

January 23 2007, 5:01 PM 

what Richard said. i WISH i knew about the advantages of this system back in '02...but a year and a half later was still a good start for my biz.

thanx for this Excellent forum Rick!

better late than never --- Derek.


Rick Gelinas

Thank YOU for making the EncapBoard a success!

January 23 2007, 7:32 PM 

It's been fun hasn't it? Over 4 years now! (and they said encap was just a fad - lol)

And for history's sake, I should mention that we had a predecessor to this message board too. That first board lasted about a year.
We then moved to this new hosting company because the old message board was not stable enough for the flow of traffic we were getting.

Speaking of traffic...
Here's a snapshot of our statistics for this message board during the past year.

Looks like we may have a few lurkers hanging out here

Thanks to all of you who support this message board and help to make it the cool place that it is.

Rick Gelinas


Rick, i see room for improvement...

January 24 2007, 2:52 PM 

Asia, Africa, Europe and Greenland are your "weak" spots...better step it up.

thanx --- Derek.

Mark Dullea

Re: Rick, i see room for improvement...

January 25 2007, 7:51 AM 

I`ve been down here (literally!) in Santiago Chile SA for several days now while my wife has been doing some consulting with the engineering faculty of the University of Chile. I have yet to see a Cimex, a Challenger, or any other of the great tools we use. I think I`m going to shoot for the continental distributorship of both these machines, and for Releasit as well. Then I`ll just sit back and count the pesos. Anybody want to be sales guy for, say, Argentina and Patagonia?


Re: Rick, i see room for improvement...

January 25 2007, 1:38 PM 

good deal Mark.

but Kazakhstan and Siberia are mine, so stay away!

thanx --- Derek.

Current Topic - Nov. 17th 2002 @6:33pm
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Cimex + Releasit = RESULTS